Kaz's BOOK STOREへ 英語のジョーク表紙へ
Mail Kaz for Other Jokes Archives(旧作一覧)


5051. Stalker 

My girlfriend thinks that I'm a stalker. Well, she's not exactly my girlfriend yet.

5051. ストーカー



 5052. Private hotel

An American tourist visited Japan and he went to a private house providing lodging and meals. “What a tiny rabbit hut it is! How much do you charge per night?” he scoffed at the owner of the house. The Japanese owner bowed with feigned politeness and said to the American. “Yes, this is a rabbit hut and unfortunately pigs can’t be put up at this hut. I’m terribly sorry.”

5052. 民泊


5053. Good News to All Smokers

The International Tobacco Corporation, on its 50th Anniversary, wishes to invite smokers of all ages to join in its biggest anniversary draw, where every smoker is a sure winner! All smokers have the chance of winning the following major prizes.

Grand Prizes: Lung cancer, Bronchitis, Cerebral hemorrhage, Second Prizes: Asthma, Meningitis, Migraine Third Prizes: Tuberculosis , Arteriosclerosis, Rheumatism, You can also have a chance to win consolation prizes such as: Stained Teeth, Appetite loss, and Swelled gums.

Join now!!! Remember that the more sticks you puff, the more chances of easy winning. Fabulous prizes await you!!! See your X-Ray result for more details!!!

5053. 喫煙者に良い知らせ

国際煙草会社が創立50周年を記念して、あらゆる年齢層の喫煙者全てを、下記の豪華賞品が当たる抽選にご招待いたします。外れ籤はありませんので奮ってご参加下さい。 一等賞:肺ガン、気管支炎、脳溢血 二等賞:喘息、髄膜炎、偏頭痛 三等賞:結核、動脈硬化、リューマチ 残念賞:ヤニで汚れた歯、食欲不振、歯茎のふくらみ



5054.Korean language

One day a Korean lady was standing next to a foreigner at a bus stop in Pusan, Korea. They were both waiting for the bus. Suddenly the Korean lady shouts, "Watdae!" and looks at the foreigner. The foreigner, thinking she was speaking English to him, answers, "Monday!" The Korean Lady hearing this, replies, "Beoseudae." Of course the foreigner still thinks she is speaking English, so he says, "Happy Birthday!"

<NOTE> In Korean language, “watdae” means “It has come," and “beoseudae” means "It's the bus."

5054. 韓国語


<注>韓国語で"watdae"は「それがやって来た」、"beoseudae" は「それはバスです」という意味です。

●外国人の耳には韓国語の"watdae"が "What day"に、 "beoseudae"が "birthday"と聞こえたのです。

5055.The Sea of Galilee 

An American tourist was about to board an excursion boat sailing on the Sea of Galilee in Israel. He asked the captain of the boat how much the ticket was. “100 shekerl,” the captain replied. “It’s a rip-off! I’ve never heard of a pleasure boat charging so much!” the American exclaimed. The captain shrugged and said, “You know, this is the “Special” lake where Jesus Christ walked on water.” The tourist snapped back, “For 100 shekerl, no wonder he walked.”

5055. ガリラヤ湖


 5056. Hot spring

A Japanese tour guide takes American tourists to a local hot spring inn and he explains how to take a Japanese bath. “A traditional Japanese open-air bath is called ‘onsen’ or ‘hot spring’. We usually mix-bathe with no bathing suits. We hide our privates  with a small hand towel.” One female tourist raises her voice. “Wait! Gentlemen might be okay with only one small hand towel to cover his private parts. However, ladies can’t hide everything with one small hand towel. That’s embarrassing!” The Japanese tour guide smiles at her and says, “Okay. Then why don’t you hide your face with the small towel?” 

5056. 温泉


 5057. In Seoul

A Japanese says to a taxi driver, “Here’s gratuity for you. I’m a Japanese.” A Korean says to a taxi driver, “No tip. I’m a Japanese.”

5057. ソウルにて

日本人がタクシー運転手に言うこと。「ほら、チップだよ。私は日本人だ」 韓国人がタクシー運転手に言うこと。「チップなんかやるものか。私は日本人だ」

 5058 Sahara Desert

How would they settle the Sahara Desert in 3 years? Americans: There would be a great many “Stars and Stripes” flags everywhere on the sand. Chinese: The population explosion problem would prevail all over the desert. Japanese: An irrigation system would be accomplished and subsistence farmers might grow vegetables.

5058. サハラ砂漠

サハラ砂漠に人が住み着くと、3年後はどうなっているか? アメリカ人:星条旗がそこらじゅうに立っている。 中国人:砂漠中で人口爆発が問題となっている。 日本人:灌漑設備が作られ、野菜を自給自足するようになる。

5059. Water skiing

Did you hear a blonde who tried to go water skiing in summer? She couldn't do, because there's no slope in a lake.

5059. 水上スキー



5060. Confusing pronunciation

An American guy talks to a Japanese girl walking on the street in Tokyo.. “Hi Cutie! Have a fun time together! May I have your phone number?” The Japanese girls talks back to him, “Sex! Sex! Sex! Free sex tonight! “ The guy embraces her immediately and gets a slap from her. Her phone number is: Six Six Six Three Six Two Nine.

5060. 紛らわしい発音

アメリカ人の男が街を歩いている日本の女性をナンパした。 「一緒に遊ばない?電話番号だけでも教えてよ」 日本人女性が答えた。 Sex! Sex! Sex! Free sex tonight. 男は驚喜してその日本人女性に抱きついた途端に、平手打ちをくらった。 彼女の電話番号は 6 - 6 - 6 - 3 - 6 - 2 - 9 だった。

Kaz's BOOK STOREへ 英語のジョーク表紙へ
Mail Kaz for Other Jokes Archives(旧作一覧)