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 5061.13th, Friday

A blonde and a brunette are in a car and the brunette mentions that Christmas falls on a Friday this year. The blonde says "I hope it's not 13th."

5061. 13日の金曜日



 5062.Newspaper or Television?

Q: In Russia, which is more useful, a newspaper or a television? A: A newspapers, of course. You cannot wrap herring with a TV.

5062. 新聞とテレビ

Q:ロシアでは新聞とテレビとどちらが役に立つか? A:もちろん新聞だ。テレビでは鰊を包むことが出来ないからだ。

 5063. George Washington

George Washington has been the only American president who never blamed the former president for the predecessor's maladministration.

5063. ジョージ・ワシントン



 5064. New Year's resolution

My New Year's resolution was to quit all my bad habits, but then I remembered that nobody likes a quitter. So I resolved to remain I as I was. May all my troubles this year last as long as my New Year's resolution!

5064. 新年の誓い


 5065 Acronym

1. CHINA Communist Hackers In North America 2. DIARRHOEA Doesn't It Always Run Really Horribly Over Each Ankle 3. TWAT The War Against Terrorists 4. RAPE Rough Asphyxiation People Enjoy 5. BMW Big Money Waste 6. TOYOTA Too Often Yankees Overprice This Auto

5065. 頭字語

1.中国(CHINA) 北アメリカにおける共産主義者ハッカー集団 2.下痢(DIARRHOEA) いつも両くるぶしの上にまで流れるひどい奴 3.女性器(TWAT) テロリストに対する戦争 4.強姦(RAPE) みんなが楽しむ荒っぽい仮死状態 5.BMW(ドイツ製高級車)大きなお金の無駄 6.TOYOTA(トヨタ車) アメリカ人はしばしばこの車に高値をつける

 5066.The Spy Who Just Wanted to Surrender

Putin tells an old anekdot from Soviet times about bureaucratic unpredictability and the whims of Russian officialdom: A spy goes to Lubyanka (headquarters of the Soviet secret police in Moscow) and says: — I’m a spy, I want to turn myself in. — Who do you work for? — America. — OK, go to room 5. He goes to room 5 and says: — I’m an American spy. I want to turn myself in. — Are you armed? — Yes, I’m armed. — Go to room 7, please. He goes to room 7 and says: — I am an American spy, I’m armed, I want to turn myself in. — Go to room 10. He goes to room 10 and says: — I’m a spy, I want to turn myself in! — Do you have any communication with the Americans? — Yes. — Go to room 20. He goes to room 20 and says: — I’m a spy, I’m armed, I'm in communication with America and I want to turn myself in. — Have you been sent on a mission? — Yes. — Well, get out and go do it! Stop bothering people while they’re working!


プーチンがお役所仕事のいい加減さと、ロシア官僚の気まぐれぶりをソビエト時代のアネクドート(滑稽な政治小話)という形で披露した。 ソビエト秘密警察本部であるルビヤンカに一人のスパイがやって来た。 「私はスパイです。自首してきました。」 「どこのスパイだ?」 「アメリカです」 「5号室へ行け」 彼は5号室に行きこう告げた。 「私はアメリカのスパイです。自首してきました。」 「お前、武器を持っているか?」 「はい、持っています」 「じゃ、7号室へ行け」 彼は7号室に行きこう告げた。 「私はアメリカのスパイで、武器を所持しています。自首してきました。」 「じゃ、10号室へ行け」 彼は10号室に行きこう告げた。 「私はスパイで、自首したいんです。」 「お前はアメリカ人と何かコンタクトを取ったか?」 「はい」 「じゃ、20号室へ行け」 彼は20号室に行きこう告げた。 「私はスパイで、武器を所持しています。アメリカ人とコンタクトを取っていました。自首したいんです。」 「お前は何か使命を帯びて活動しているのか?」 「はい」 「じゃ、ここから出て、その活動を続けろ。みんな忙しいんだから、つまらんことで俺達を煩わせるんじゃないぞ!」

 5067 Car and garage

A little boy and girl are in a bathtub, and are naked because they are too little too understand anything like that. The girl and boy ask each other: "What's that?" and they both reply: "I'll ask my parents." So the boy goes home and asks his dad what it is. The dad looks solemnly at him and says: "Son, that's your car. You park it in a girl’s garage. "The girl goes home and says: "what's that?" The mother says: "That's your garage. Don’t let any boy park his car in it." The next day they are again in the tub. The boy says it’s a car and remembers what his dad said. So he begins to put it in the girls "garage". But then the girl remembers what her mom said. 5 minutes later, the girl comes back crying to the mom. The mother asks her what was wrong and she said: "Mommy, a boy tried to put his car in my garage, but I punctured his two back tires. He screamed."

5067. 車と車庫


 5068 Commitment

At an army training camp in Florida, the sergeant is giving a talk: "The main quality we look for in this army is commitment and this is what I call commitment." An alligator came in the room and bit the sergeant’s penis. It stayed there for about 10 seconds then the sergeant poked it in the eyes and kicked it off. "Now who's ready to show their commitment?" said the sergeant. A man put his hand up and said "I will, but promise you won't poke me in the eyes, Serge?"

5068. 任務遂行



 5069. Breathalyzer test

A man in Moscow is driving with his wife and a small child. A cop pulls them over and makes the man take a breathalyzer test. “See,” the cop says, “you are drunk.” The man protests that the breathalyzer must be broken and asks the cop to test his wife. She also registers as drunk. Exasperated, the man asks the cop to test his child. When the child registers drunk as well, the cop shrugs, says, “Yes, perhaps it is broken,” and sends them on their way. Out of earshot the man tells his wife, “See, I told you it wouldn’t hurt to give the kid five grams of vodka.”

5069. 酒気帯びテスト



 5070 Attire

What is the difference between a well-dressed man on a bicycle and a poorly-dressed man on a unicycle? Attire.

5070. 衣装

盛装して自転車に乗っている男と、貧相な服を着て一輪車に乗っている男との差は何か? 衣装。

●Attire(衣装)は a tire(一本のタイヤ)と発音が同じ。自転車は二輪、一輪車は一輪なので、確かにタイヤの数が一本違います。

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