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 5141.Before Mao Zedong

"Granddaughter, please explain about the Communism to me,” an old Chinese woman asks her granddaughter during the Great Famine time in 1950s. “How will people live under the Communism? They probably teach you all about it in school." "Yes, of course they do, Granny,” her granddaughter responded. “When we will reach the Communism, shops will be full – there'll be rice, sugar, meat, and fruit. We'll be able to go and buy anything we want." "Ah!” exclaimed the old woman joyfully. "Just like before Mao Zedong!"

5141. 毛沢東以前の時代



While I was going through an exercise with my first-grade elementary class pupils on the formation of plurals, I asked "Can anyone tell me the plural of tomato?" One pupil’s hand shot up. "Ketsup!" he announced proudly.




 5143. Definitions(語句の定義)

Divorce = Postgraduate in School of love. 離婚= 愛の学校の大学院

Epitaph = A posthumous compliment. 墓碑= 死後に贈られるお追従。

Kiss= A means of getting two people so close together that they can’t see anything wrong with each other キス= 二人の人間を最至近距離にする方法。その結果お互いの悪いところは何も見えなくなる

Optimist and Pessimist = An optimist is a woman who regards her bulge as a curb. A pessimist is a man who looks for a pink slip before the money in his pay envelope. 楽天論者と悲観論者= 楽天論者とは、自分の腹のたるみを美しい曲線だと思う女性のこと。 悲観論者とは給料封筒をもらうと、中身の金額を見るより先に解雇通知が入っているのではないかと、ドキドキする男性のこと。

Self-control = The ability to eat only one peanut. 自己管理 =ピーナツを一粒食べるだけで我慢できる能力のこと。

Tatoo = Permanent proof of temporary insanity 入れ墨 =一時的に狂気になったという永久証明書。

Traffic light= An apparatus that automatically turns red when your car approaches 交通信号= あなたの車が近づくと自動的に赤になる装置のこと。

 5144. Baptize

One Sunday two American soldiers on leave in Copenhagen went to church. Not knowing the Danish language, they imitated everything the congregation did. When people stood, they stood; when people sat, they sat. When, after a question asked by the minister, the man in front of them stood up, they stood up. The whole congregation burst into uncontrollable laughter. A baby was about to be baptized and the minister had asked the father to stand up.

5144. 洗礼


 5145. Tank you !

What did the Chinese government say to Hong Kong protestors? Tank you !

5145. タンクで踏みつぶすぞ!

中国政府は香港の抗議運動家達に何と言ったか? タンクで踏みつぶすぞ!

●Thank youでなく、Tank you!(タンクで踏みつぶすぞ!)と言うのです。

 5146. Draftsman

I had been a supervisory aerospace engineer and retired from the company three months ago. Today I visited my old workplace and found a draftsman laboring earnestly. He hardly looked up the whole time while chatting with me. Sensing that I was interrupting an important project, I was about to excuse myself when the draftsman threw down his instruments and sat back.  "For God's sake," he said, "it's just dawned on me that I no longer have to pretend to be busy when you appear."

5146. 製図技師


 5147. Taiwan

"Hey! I heard China has just legalized same-sex marriage!" says a white man to a Chinese guy. "No we haven't," replies the Chinese. “But Taiwan says so!" the white man insists. "No… Taiwan is not… uh… Yes, China is … uh…"

5147. 台湾



 5148. No more bills

A mailman was making his daily rounds when a four-year-old boy ran to his family's mailbox and planted himself squarely in front of it. With his feet spread wide and his arms folded, he told the mailman sternly, "My mom says she just can't take any more bills."



 5149. Made in China

An American tourist who found himself in Beijing asked a taxi driver carrying his two suitcases what the time was. "Certainly," said the Chinese, setting the two bags on the ground and looking at his wrist. "It is 11:43 and 17 seconds. The date is February 13th, the moon is nearing its full phase, and atmospheric pressure stands at 992 hectopascals." Amazed, the American asked the man if his watch was from Japan. The man assured him that it was made in China. "That's fantastic!" the American said. "Yes," the Chinese answered, picking up the two suitcases. "Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go charge the batteries."



 5150. YMCA

What did the blonde say when she saw the sign in front of the YMCA?"Look! They spelled MACY'S wrong!"

5150. YMCA


●ブロンドはYMCA(Young Me’s Christian Association=キリスト教に基づく青少年成長助成団体)とMACY’S(アメリカの有名百貨店)を間違えています。

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