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 5151. Bull auction

My wife and I went to the bull auction in Kentucky the other week and one of the first exhibits we stopped at was the breeding bulls. We went up to the first pen and there was a sign attached that said, 'THIS BULL MATED 50 TIMES LAST YEAR' My wife playfully nudged me in the ribs and smiled and said, 'He mated 50 times last year, that's almost once a week.' We walked to the second pen which had a sign attached that said, 'THIS BULL MATED 150 TIMES LAST YEAR' My wife gave me a healthy jab and said, 'WOW!! That's more than twice a week! You could learn a lot from him.' We walked to the third pen and it had a sign attached that said, in capital letters, 'THIS BULL MATED 365 TIMES LAST YEAR 'My wife was so excited that her elbow nearly broke my ribs, and said, 'That's once a day. You could REALLY learn something from this one.' I looked at her and said, 'Go over and ask him if every time was with the same old cow.'

5151. 牛品評会


 5152.Disposable chopsticks

A guy lunching at a Chinese restaurant noticed that the table had been set with forks, not wooden disposable chopsticks. He asked why. The waiter said chopsticks were provided only on request. "But," the man countered, "if you gave your patrons chopsticks, you wouldn't have to pay someone to wash all the forks." "True," the waiter shot back, "but we would have to hire two more people to wash up the chopsticks."

5152. 割り箸



 5153.Guinea pig

My colleagues and I eagerly awaited the opening of a new Indian restaurant close to our office, and on opening day we were first in line for buffet lunch. As I helped myself to a generous portion of meat curry, I smiled at the owner, who was hovering close by to ensure that everything was okay. "You are our very first customers," he said, to which I mockingly replied, "Ah, guinea pigs, eh?" "No, no," he replied quickly, "it's beef, Sir."




 5154. Guess where

A new pilot took his girlfriend on his first nighttime "solo" flight. He wanted to be really cool, so as he was approaching the small field to land, instead of making the usual official requests to the tower, he just said: "Guess who?" Without missing a beat, the controller switched off the field lights and said: "Guess where?"

5154. ここは何処だと思う?


 5155. Hate male (mail?)

Q: What do you call a letter from a lesbian? A: Hate male.

5155. 男が嫌い(嫌がらせの手紙)

Q:レスビアン(女性同性愛主義者)から来た手紙を何と呼ぶか? A: 男が嫌い(嫌がらせの手紙)

●Hate male(男が嫌い)と Hate mail(嫌がらせの手紙)は発音が同じ。


Did you hear the Dalai Lama fired his gardener who had a degree in carnations but didn't know anything about reincarnations. The Dalai Lama was reportedly said; “My karma ran over your dogma.”

5156. 輪廻(生まれ変わり)


●carnation とreincarnation、 karma と dogma の言葉遊びになっています。チベット仏教の考えでは、ダライラマはチベットの守護神である観音菩薩の化身(生まれ変わり= reincarnation)とされています。

 5157. Half- Man Half-Beast

A Texan schoolboy was studying Greek Mythology in his classroom. When the teacher asked him to name the god that was half-man and half-beast, he replied "Buffalo Bill."

5157. 半人半獣


●Buffaloは野牛、BillはWilliamという名の短縮形ですが、アメリカ開拓時代にBuffalo Billと呼ばれたガンマンが実在しました。本名はウィリアム・フレデリック・コーディ(William Frederick Cody)だそうです。

5158. Retirement

Q1: Why did the prostitute retire? A1: She screwed up!

Q2: Why did the astronaut retire? A2: He got spaced out!

Q3: Why did the robber retire? A3: He just couldn't take it anymore!

Q4: Why did the asshole retire? A4: He was tired of being the butt of all the jokes!

5158. 引退

Q1:なぜ娼婦は引退したのか? A1:ヘマをしたから。
●Screw upは失敗する、まずいことになる、という意味ですがscrewは性交するという意味もあるので娼婦には縁が深い言葉です。

Q2:なぜ宇宙飛行士は引退したのか? A2:彼はボーッとしているのが常になったから。
●Space outはボーッとする、ぼんやりするという意味ですが、space(宇宙空間)は宇宙飛行士(astronaut)に馴染み深いからです。

Q3:なぜ泥棒は引退したのか? A3:彼はもう我慢できなくなったから。
●take it anymoreは「これ以上出来ない、耐えられない」という意味ですがtake(取る)は泥棒に馴染み深い動詞です。

Q4:なぜ阿呆(asshole)は引退したのか? A4:彼は皆の嘲りの対象であることに、耐えられなくなったから。

 5159. 2 square

Q: Why didn't the number 4 get into the nightclub? A: Because he is 2 square

5159. 2の二乗(クソ真面目過ぎる)

Q:なぜ数字の4はナイトクラブに入らないのですか? A:クソ真面目過ぎるからです。

●2squareは2の二乗という意味で数字の4ですが、squareには堅苦しく正直という意味があり、2=tooと発音が同じですので、too square = クソ真面目ともなります。

 5160.Reading the menu

I was working the car service window at a fast-food restaurant. "May I take your order?" I said into the intercom. Replied a voice: Hamburger, cheeseburger, double cheeseburger, deluxe burger, small and large roast beef, turkey club sandwich, chicken sandwich, regular fries, large fries, apple pie, chocolate shake, vanilla shake, strawberry shake, Coke, diet Coke, 7UP and orange soda." The workers made up the large order and filled several bags. When the customer, a young mother, drove up to the window and she was given her bill, she shouted at me, “I haven't ordered yet." I was stunned!! "I was just reading the menu to my little girl," the customer said.



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