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I met my husband while I was working in a library. He came in every week to read the latest journals and eventually decided to take me out. After a year of dating, he showed up at the library and started rummaging through my desk. I asked what he was looking for, but he didn’t answer. Finally he unearthed one of the rubber stamps I used to identify reference books. “Since I couldn’t find the right engagement ring,” he said, “this will have to do,” and he firmly stamped my hand. Across my knuckles, in capital letters, it read “NOT FOR CIRCULATION.”

5231. 閲覧禁止



 5232.Three Chinese brothers

Three Chinese brothers, Bu, Chu, and Fu, want to illegally live in America. The brothers decide to change their names to seem American. Bu changes his name to Buck and Chu changes his name to Chuck. They are both admitted to land. Fu got sent back to China.



 5233.One word a year

A prince is madly in love with a princess and wants to propose, but an evil witch has cast a spell on him, and now he can say only one word a year. So he waits 14 agonizing years—accumulating all his words—before approaching his beloved. Finally, the big day arrives. When he sees her, his heart skips a beat. He gathers his nerve, drops to his knees, and intones, “My darling, I have waited many years to say this: Will you marry me?” The princess turns around, smiles, and says, “Pardon?”




 5234.How to get Attention

One of the highlights of the biology class at New Mexico University is the monthly feeding of a caged rattlesnake kept in its laboratory. One time, the entire class gathered around the cage and, in complete silence, watched as the feeding took place. "I’m jealous of the snake," the instructor said. "I never get the class’s undivided attention like this." A student said matter-of-factly, "You would if you could swallow a mouse."



 5235.$10 bill

Each morning at 5:30, I take my dog for a walk. He has the bad habit of picking up bits of paper or other trash along the way. When he does, I always order him to “drop it,” and he usually complies. One morning, though, he absolutely refused to drop a piece of litter. So I told him to “Sit”  and then approached him to see what he picked was. It was a $10 bill.”




5236. Putin Matripshka

5236. プーチンマトリョーシカ(ロシアこけし人形)

紳士面したプーチン大統領が、海賊→ドラキュラ→マシンガンを持った兵士へと変わっていく様をロシアこけし人形で表現していますが、これは2022年2月のロシアによるウクライナ侵攻を皮肉っています。(出典:Le Devoir紙)

 5237.Frozen account

My cousin always “borrows” money from her older brother’s piggy bank, which drives him crazy. One day, she found the piggy bank in the freezer. Inside was this note: “Dear sister, I hope you’ll understand, but my capital has been frozen.”

5237. 凍結された預金


 5238.Daily grind

Did you hear the one about the knife-sharpener who quit his job? He couldn’t stand the daily grind.

5238. 毎日の決まり切った仕事


●Grind(刃物を研ぐ)とdaily grind(毎日の決まり切った仕事)の言葉遊びです。


Q1: A Japanese ship sinks and there is only one lifeboat, how many people are saved? A1: Nine. (The Japanese word for lifeboat is 'kyuu-mei' boat. “Kyuu-mei” is another way to say 'nine people'.)

Q2: A pig and a horse had a fight in a Japan kitchen. Who won?
A2: The pig. (Why? 'ton-katsu da kara'. 'Ton-katsu' is 'pork cutlet', and 'katsu' also means 'to win'.)

Q3: Which winter sports do Japanese prefer skiing or skating?
A3: Skiing. (Why? ‘Ski’ means “like,” “love,” “favor” in Japanese.)


A1: 9名。(=救命と9名の駄洒落)



 5240.Squirrel brings a nut home

I like hunting fossils, a hobby that isn’t exactly my wife’s favorite. On one excursion, I found the petrified bones of a squirrel-like mammal. When I brought them home and told my wife what they were, she squelched my excitement. “I’ve heard of many a squirrel bringing a nut home,” she remarked, “but this is the first time I’ve heard of a nut bringing a squirrel home.”




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