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 5281. Three famous musicians

Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley and Freddy Mercury were allowed to come back to life with one condition; They mustn’t do the one thing they most love to do. If they do so, they will disappear immediately in a puff of smoke. So the three friends are walking down the street in London when they suddenly see a gorgeous woman with see-through blouse standing on the street. “Noooo! Jimi no!!” shout Freddy and Bob, but Jimi just can't help it and he grabs the guitar and BOOM! Hendrix disappears. Bob and Freddy keep on walking down the street. They see a butt-like smoldering thing on the ground. Bob’s eyes pop out! He just can’t stop himself. Bob bends over to pick it up. BOOM! BOOM! Bob and Freddy simultaneously disappear.

5281. 三人の有名ミュージシャン

ジミーヘンドリックス、ボブマーリー、フレディマーキュリーの三人が、黄泉の世界から現世界に戻ることを許されたが、たった一つ条件をつけられた。それは彼らが一番好きなことをしてはいけない、ということだった。もしこの条件を破ると直ちに彼らは煙となって消えてしまうと言われた。さて三人の音楽友達はこの世に戻り、ロンドンの通りを歩き始めた。するとスケスケのブラウスを着た超美人が道路に立っているのが見えた。「ダメだ、ジミー、やってはダメだ!」とフレディとボブは必死に止めたが、ジミーは気持ちを抑えることが出来ず、ギターを握りしめるや演奏を始めようとした。するとブーン!ヘンドリックスは煙となって消えてしまった。ボブとフレディは通りを歩き続けたが、道のよこに煙草の吸殻のような物が落ちているのが目に入った。ボブは目をまん丸にして、気持ちを抑えることが出来ず、その吸殻のような物(=実はマリファナ)を拾うために、お尻を上にして身を屈めた。ブーン!ブーン! ボブとフレディは同時に煙になって消えてしまった。

●解説が必要でしょう。(写真はページ上からHendrix,Marley, Mercuryの順です)
Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970)はアメリカのロック史上最高と言われるギタリスト。従って一番好きなものはギターでした。
Bob Marley(1945-1981)はジャマイカ出身のレゲエ歌手。またマリファナ合法化にも熱心でしたので、一番好きなのはマリファナ。
Freddy Mercury(1946-1991)はザンジバル出身で、イギリスのロックバンドQUEENのボーカリストで、ホモセクシュアルでした。だから一番好きなのは男性の肛門ということで、屈んだBobのお尻を見てムラムラと来たのです。(笑)

 5282. どなたですか?
トントン! どなたですか?
プーチンだよ! プーチンって誰?


5283. A Santa Claus at Macy’s department store

A New York mother took her young son to Bloomingdale’s department store to meet a Santa Claus. “What would you like for Christmas?” asked the jolly Santa. “A computer game console and a bicycle,” replied the kid. “I’ll do my best to see that you’re lucky,” said the Santa. Later that day, the mother took the boy to Macy’s department store and once again they visited Santa’s grotto. “What would you like for Christmas?” asked the Santa there. “A computer game console and a bicycle,” replied the kid. “Are you going to be a good boy and help your mother?” asked the Santa. The boy turned to his mother and said, “Let’s go back to Bloomingdale. I didn’t have to make any promise there.”

5283. メーシー百貨店のサンタクロース


5284.The exact date

A man was telling his friend, “My father predicted in advance the very year in which he was going to die. What’s more, he knew the exact month and day he was going to die and even the time of that day. And he was right on every count.” “That’s uncanny,” said the friend. “How could he know all that?” “The judge told him in court.”

5284. 正確な日付


5285. Scottish doctor

A doctor in Inverness was woken at four o’clock in the morning by a phone call. With grumbling, he got dressed and stepped out into a terrible snowstorm. After examining the patient, the doctor told him to send immediately for his lawyer, close friends and relatives and to make a will. When the doctor got home, he told his wife what he had done. “”Why, was that patient so bad?” asked the wife. “No,” said the Scottish doctor, “I just didn’t want to be the only one called out in such nasty weather.”

5285. スコットランドの医者


5286.Same mistakes

According to the Newsweek magazine, President George W. Bush determined not to make the same mistakes his father did -letting his kids get involved in politics.

5286. 同じ間違い


5287. Racket at the weekend

A traveling salesman was testifying in a divorce proceeding against his wife. His attorney said, “Please describe the incident that noticed your wife’s infidelity.” The salesman answered, “I’m usually on the road during the week and I’m home at weekends. So naturally I’m quite attentive to my wife. One Sunday morning we were in the middle of a heavy session of love-making when the old lady next door in the apartment pounded on the wall and yelled, “Can’t you at least stop all that racket at the weekend?”

5287. 週末の大騒ぎ


5288. Mistakes

A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history ? with the possible exceptions of hand guns and tequila.

5288. 間違い


5289.Bikini or all-in-one

While shopping for vacation clothes, my husband and I passed a display of bathing suits. It had been at least ten years and twenty pounds since I had even considered buying a bathing suit, so I sought my husband's advice. “What do you think?” I asked. “Should I get a bikini or an all-in-one?'” “Better get a bikini,” he replied. 'You'd never get it all in one.” He's still in intensive care in the hospital…..

5289. ビキニ水着かワンピース水着か



5290. Cats and pussy

He didn’t have $100 to see the Broadway musical, Cats. So he settled for some off-Broadway pussy on the street for $50.

5290. 猫と子猫


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