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 5371. Can woman become the President of Russia?

5371. ロシアでは女性が大統領になれますか?


 5372.Dirt bag

What’s the difference between the Russian government and a vacuum cleaner? There’s only one dirtbag in the vacuum.


ロシア政府と真空掃除機との違いは何か?真空掃除機にはゴミ袋は一つしかない。(=ロシア政府には人間の屑(dirt bag)がもっと大勢いる)

 5373. Four things poeple can't choose


1.両親 2.国籍 3.容姿 4.ロシアの大統領

 5374.Russian teacher

A Russian elementary teacher asks his pupil in class. “If I have 5 bottles of vodka in one arm, and six bottles of vodka in the other, what do I have? The pupils n class voiced in unison. “A drinking problem!!”.

5374. ロシア人の先生


 5375. Taxes on vodka goes up

A Russian family is watching the evening news when the announcer says taxes on vodka will be going up. “This means there will be some major changes for our family, comrades,” says the announcer. “You mean you will be drinking less?” asks his son. “Nyet,” says the father. “You will all be eating less.”

5375. ウオッカ税率値上が

ロシア人一家が夕方のテレビニュースを見ていたら、アナウンサーが「ウオッカにかかる税金が上がるだろう。同志諸君、このことは諸君の家庭に変化をもたらすことになろう」と言っていた。「と言うことは、パパが飲むお酒の量が減るってことかな?」とテレビを見ていた子供が父親に尋ねた。「ニエット!(NO)」と父親が答えた。「お前達が食べられる食事の量が減るってことさ 」

 5376. No tea, thank you



 5377. Gun for Gun ?

Former President Donald Trump and other GOP leaders rejected efforts to overhaul gun laws on Friday at the National Rifle Association's annual convention in Houston. The gathering was taking place 280 miles east of the South Texas town of Uvalde, where 19 children and two adults were killed by a 19-year-old gunman at an elementary school Tuesday. "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," the former President said. (May 30, 2022 CNN NEWS :TRUE STORY)


ドナルド・トランプ元大統領は金曜日にテキサス州ヒース飛んで開かれたNRA(全米ライフル協会)年次総会で、他の共和党員共々銃規制への反対を表明したヒューストンは火曜日に19歳の少年が小学校に乱入し19人の生徒と2人の先生が銃の乱射で殺されたテキサス南のウヴェルデ町から280マイルしか離れていない。元大統領は「銃を持った悪い男を止めることが出来るのは、銃を持った正しい男だけだ」と語った(2022/05/30 CNN報道)

 5378. PEACE? PIECE?
Listen…ALL I Want is PEACE, I mean A PIECE OF UKRAINE….

5378l PEACE(平和)? PIECE(一部切り取り)?

 5379.Russian policeman

A Russian cop pulls over a man for suspected drunk driving. “Blow into this tube please so I can detect if you’ve drunk anything today.” The man blows and the results come up negative. The cop says: “This stupid thing must be broken”. The cop blows into himself- DING! POSITIVE. “Oh, sorry commrade. No, this is working, not broken.”

5379. ロシアの警官


 5380. Putin’s biggest accomplishment

What’s Putin’s biggest accomplishment? He has succeeded in turning the Russian army, self-proclaimed second best army in the world, into the second best army in Ukraine.




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