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 5401. Servant of the people

“Servant of the People” (Ukrainian: Sluha narodu) is a Ukrainian political satire comedy television series starred and produced by Volodymyr Zelenskyy, now the real Ukrainian President who has been fighting Russian invasion. In the TV series, he acted as Vasily Petrovych Goloborodko, a high-school history teacher who is unexpectedly elected President of Ukraine. One of his students launch a crowdfunding campaign for registering his teacher Goloborodko candidacy in Ukraine's presidential race, because Goloborodko had been ranting about the corruption of the Ukrainian government ruled by oligarcy. Eventually this internet campaign propelled him to political victory as the new President of Ukraine(!) In office, Goloborodko gradually weeded out corrupution. This is a fiction, but Zelenskyy would later mirror his character's rise to political power in being elected President of Ukraine in 2019. This is not a joke, but a true story.

5401. 国民の奉仕人 

「国民の奉仕人」(ウクライナ語でSluha narodu)とは、ウクライナの政治風刺TV連続番組名で、制作・主演はヴォロドミール・ゼレンスキー、つまり現在ロシアの侵略と戦っている現ウクライナ大統領その人でした。【上記写真】このTV連続番組で彼はヴァジリー・ペトロヴィッチ・ゴルボロドコという高校の歴史教師を演じ、ゴルボロドコが予期せずにウクライナの大統領に選ばれてしまうというストーリーです。彼がいつもウクライナ現政権がオリガキー(新興成金)によって汚職腐敗の場になっていることを強く非難していたので、彼の高校の生徒の一人がインターネットで「僕達のゴルボロドコを大統領に!」という資金集めキャンペーンを展開します。このキャンペーンが火をつけ、ゴルボロドコは本当にウクライナの大統領に選ばれる結果となりました。そして政権についたゴルボロドコは少しずつ腐敗の芽を刈り取っていく、というのがこのTV物語のストーリーです。これはあくまでフィクションでしたが、ゼレンスキーはこのTV番組での彼のリーダーシップを見た人達に支えられ、実際に2019年にウクライナ大統領に選ばれました。これは冗談ではなく実際の話です。

 5402. Hitler phones Putin and rants Parodies

Hey, Putin, wha’s the heck are you doing? Remember what Starlin and I did in 1939?


(ヒットラー電話は様々な帝国主義者にかかってくる) おい、プーチン、お前何手間取ってるんだ。俺とスターリンが1939年にしたこと(=ポーランド同時侵略)を覚えてるだろう?

 5403. Who picks up a 100 dollar bill?

Q:Santa Claus, a blonde with an IQ over 100 and a normal blonde are walking along the street. Suddenly they see a 100 dollar bill on the street. Who will pick it up first?

A: Nobody. Santa Clause doesn’t really exist, nor does a blonde with an IQ over 100. And the normal blonde thinks the bill is a run-over frog.

5403. 100ドル札を拾ったのは誰?



 5404. I’m having a boner

Donald Trump, Xi Zinping, and Kim jong un were driving down the road in the U.S. Donald was driving , Xi was in the passenger seat and Kim Jong Un was riding in the back seat. Trump was speeding 90 miles an hour in a 60 MPH zone. Trump notices in the rear view mirror a cop was pulling them over. “Mr. President, I need to see your license and registration,” said the officer to Donald Trump. “Oh, come on, look at my guests in my car. Do you know who they are?” “Yes, of course, Sir. But the rule is rule,” replied the serious-minded officer. Trump handed a 100 bill to the officer, winking “We’re talking about the peace in the world in our secret room, you know.” The officer grabbed the bill and grinned. “All right, Mr. President. If you pass an easy test, I’ll forget what I see here. My dick s 25 inches long. I all of your dicks put together are 25 inches or longer I’ll let you go without a ticket and let you gentleman be on your way.” The officer took out a ruler and measured Trump first “12 inches.” The officer measured Xi’s dic “12 inches on the dot.” Donald , Xi , and the officer all looked at Kim in the backseat with a puzzled but confident look knowing it may make the deal. “All right Mr. Kim Jong Un.. Let me see what you’ve got.” Kim pulled his pants down as the officer got the ruler ready. “Damn! It is 1 inch on the dot ! Looks like you gentleman passed the test I’ll let you go on your way now” said the officer. 2 minutes passed and trump and Xi couldn’t help notice a giant smirk on Kim Jong Un”s face with a silent chuckle. “What’s so funny?” Trump and Xi asked Kim sitting in the back.Kim looked at them with the fattest grin and wiped the sweat off his forehead. THANK GOD I WAS HAVING A BONER!!!”

5404. 勃起していて助かったよ

トランプが車を運転し習金平は助手席、そして金正恩は後部座席に座っていた。トランプは制限速度60マイル(90km)の道路を時速90マイル(144km)ですっ飛ばしていたので、後ろから交通警官の車が追いかけて来てトランプの車の前止まった。「大統領閣下、免許証と車の登録証を見せてください」と警官はトランプに言った。「おいおい、この車に乗っているメンバーの顔をよく見てみろよ。誰だか知ってるだろう」とトランプが答えると、「勿論存じ上げております。しかし交通規則は規則ですから」と真面目な警官は後に引かない。トランプは100ドル紙幣を警官に握らせると、「僕らは世界平和について、この秘密で語り合っていたんだ。な、わかるだろ?」と言い逃れようとした。警官は渡された100ドル紙幣をポケットにねじ込むと 、ニヤニヤと笑いながら「わかりました大統領閣下。ではこれから行う簡単なテストに合格すれば私は今、ここで見たことを忘れます。私のオチンチンの長さは25インチありますけど、三人の皆さんのオチンチンの長さを足して25インチ以上だったら、スピード違反は見逃しますのでお好きなところに行ってください」と言った。そして物差しを取り出すとまずトランプのオチンチンの長さを測ったら12インチだった。次に習近平のオチンチンを測ったが、これまた12インチピッタリだった。トランプと習はまぁ、これで一件落着なるだろうなと後部座席の金正恩に視線を向けた。「宜しいですか金正恩さん、あなたのオチンチンを私に見せて下さい」と、警官が言うと「OK」と金正恩はズボンを下げ、警官が物差しで金のオチンチンを測るなり叫んだ。「何てこった!1インチピッタリだ!(三人合計で25インチ)わかりました、どうぞお好きな所に行ってください」と三人を放免した。2分後にトランプと習は後部座席の金正恩がにんまりと笑顔を隠そうとせず、小声でククククと含み笑いをしているのに気付き、「何がそんなにおかしいんだ?」と金に尋ねた。金は二人の顔を覗き込みながら満面の笑みを見せて額の汗を拭きながらこう言った。「いやぁ、あの時はオチンチンが勃起していたので助かったよ。」


 5405. You haven’t planted them

A Russian hikes in a Ukrainian forest. A Ukrainian armed with a pistol approaches him saying: ‘What are you doing here?’ The Russian responds: ‘Picking mushrooms.’ One second before shooting the Russian, the Ukrainian yells: ‘But you haven’t planted them!'”

5405. あんた達は植えていないじゃないか


 5406.Beatles Jokes

1) What do you call the Russian version of The Beatles song “Let It Be"? So Be It. <Soviet?>
2) If The Beatles were from Hawai, would they have sung their song “Hello Goodbye!” in Hawaiian – ALOHA?
3) What's Putin's favorite Beatles song? Back in the USSR.
4) Does a Swede listen to The Beatles? No, but a Norwegian Would.
5) What happens when a beatles takes viagra? It’s been a hard days night. I’ll be sleeping with a log.


1)ビートルズの名曲Let It Beのロシア語版は何と言いますか? So Be It. (Sovietに引っ掛けて)
2)もしビートルズがハワイ出身だったら、彼等の“Hello Goodby”を“ALOHA”と歌うんでしょうかね?
3)プーチンが一番好きなビートルズの歌は何ですか?Back in the USSR(ソ連に戻ろうよ)
4)スエーデン人はビートルズの歌を聴きますか?いいえ、でもノルウエー人は聴くでしょう。(Norwegian Woodという曲名とNorwegian wouldの言葉遊び)
5)もしビートルズがバイアグラを飲んだら、どういうことになりますか?一晩中勃起して(A Hard Days Night)、太い逸物を抱えて寝る(sleep with a log)ことになるでしょう。(sleep like a logグッスリ眠るとsleeping with a log の言葉遊び)

 5407. Parking space

An Irishman is struggling to find a parking space."Lord," he prayed. "I can't stand this. If you open a space up for me, I swear I'll give up the Guinness and go to mass every Sunday." Suddenly, the clouds part and the sun shines on an empty parking spot. Without hesitation, the Irishman says: "Father, It’s okay. I just found one! Never mind. "

5407. パーキングスペース



 5408. Drop by drop

Vladimir Putin spoke to the people in a natio-wide TV, “I’m going to give my blood for the cause of the Russian people, drop by drop.” Imediately an anonymous call rang up the TV studio. “Dear Comrade Putin, why don’t you do that right now? No drop by drop. Don’t drag out. Give your all blood right now.”



5409. Sunrise and Sunset

Xi Jinping was on his balcony during the early morning, admiring all that Bejing has become. He inhaled a sweet breath of fresh Bejing air and looked East to see the sun smiling down. "Hello, Sun", said Xi Jinping. The sun replied "Hello Glorious Leader, the architect of a grand Communist Utopia. Best wishes leading your already prosperous nation." Xi Jinping, despite his delight, remembered he had an upcoming meeting to attend. He thanked the Sun and left. As the day approached an end, an exhausted Xi Jinping returned to his office and reflected on the day. He strolled back onto his balcony and looked West towards a beautiful sunset. Hoping to hear more praise, he said: "Good evening, Sun." The Sun candidly responded: "Fuck you, I'm in the West now.

5409. 日の出日の入り



 5410. Dear Santa

A Ukrainian boy writes a letter to Santa, ‘Dear Santa, I want Russians to shoot you down so that you fall next to my house. The West will sanction them for this, and I will get all the presents!”




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