Kaz's BOOK STOREへ 英語のジョーク表紙へ
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 5461. Fishes

1)Which type of fish loves eating mice? Catfish.
2)Where do the fish safely deposit their money? In a riverbank.
3)Why is it easy to measure a fish's weight? Because they have their own scales.
4)What supplements do fish take to stay healthy? Vitamin Sea.
5)What did people call the fish who went to med school and became a surgeon? A sturgeon.

5461. 魚たち


5462. 8 years ? Infinite years?

Someone: Hey, Putin, you are only allowed to be president for 8 years.
Putin: Oh, you don’t know this mathematical sign?

5462. 8年間?無期限?


 5463. Grenade

There were three guys on the top floor room of a building. The first one took a bite of a apple then said it was too hard and he threw it out the window. The second man took a bite of a lemon and he said it was too sour so he threw it out the window. The third guy was apparently inebriated and he took a bite of a grenade and thought it was to crunchy and he threw it out the window. Then one of them went downstairs and he saw a dog laying on the ground dead. The apple the first guy threw had hit the dog in the head. Then there was a little girl crying with her cat in her lap. She said it had died because the lemon suddenly fell out the window and hit it in the head of her cat. The next there was an old guy who almost died of laughing. The guy asked the old ma why he was laughing so hard. He chuckled, “I farted and the building behind me blew up.”



 5464. Shitty golfer

During his physical, the doctor asked the patient about his daily activity level The patient replied, “Well, yesterday afternoon, I waded along the edge of a lake, jumped away from an aggressive rattlesnake, marched up and down several rocky hills. I crawled out of quicksand and I drank eight canned beers, at the kiosk and then took four leaks behind big trees.” Inspired by his story, the doctor said, “Wow!You must be one of the greatest outdoors experts!” “NAH,” the patient shook his head, “I'm just a shitty golfer.”



 5465. I love hurting dudes

I love puppies andI love puppies and hurting dudes.

5465. 子犬を可愛がり野郎共を痛めつけるのが大好き


 5466. 3 companies

I went to my boss to ask for a pay raise. I told him 3 companies are after me. My boss asked me “Which 3 companies?” I said, “Gas, electricity and water companies.”

5466. 3つの会社



 5467. A tragic historical parody

In October 2022, Vladimir Putin annexed four occupied Ukrainian regions under the guise of sham referendums. The Kremlin claimed that 93% of votes cast in Zaporizhzhia were in favor of joining the Russian Federation, as were 87% in Kherson, 98% in Luhansk and 99% in Donetsk. This is Putin’s illegitimate land-grab through a series of sham referendums and dodgy vote counting. French President Emmanuel Macron called it, “Just a farce. A tragic historical parody.” (You can see a Russian officer and a soldier with a rifle are forcing Ukrainian residents to vote.)

5467. 歴史に残る悲劇的茶番劇


 5468. Fill in for the priest

One day a Catholic priest was called away by a family emergency while on duty attending confession. Not wanting to leave the confessional unattended, he asked his friend, a rabbi from the synagogue across the street, if he could fill in for him. The rabbi said he wouldn't know what to do and the priest said, “I will show you how to do.” So they entered the confessional together and soon enough, a woman entered and said, "Father forgive me, for I have sinned." "What did you do?" asked the priest. "I have committed adultery," she replied. "How many times?" continued the priest. "Three times." "Say Hail Marys three times and put $5 in the poor-box, and your sin is foregiven," the priest finished. The woman left and not long after a man entered and said, "Father forgive me, for I have sinned." "What did you do?" "I have committed adultery." "How many times?" "Three times." "Say Hail Marys three times and put $5 in the poor-box. Your sin is forgiven." The man left the confessional. The rabbi told the priest he could figured out and he thought he could do it instead of the priest. So the priest left the church. The rabbi waited until another woman entered the confessional. She said "Father forgive me, for I have sinned." "What did you do," asked the rabbi. "I have committed adultery," she replied. "How many times?" "Twice." "I tell you what," said the rabbi. "Go do it one more time and come back. We got a special this week, three for $5!

5468. 神父の代役を務める

ある日カトリックの神父が懺悔室の担当日に、家族が急病で戻らなければならなくなった。懺悔を受け付けないことは本意でないので、神父は道路を挟んで向こう側にあるユダヤ教教会の友人であるラビに、自分の代わりを務めてくれないかと頼んだ。ラビは自分はどうやってカトリックの儀式を行うのかわからないと言うと、神父は「僕が実際にやってみるから覚えてくれ」と言った。二人が懺悔室に一緒に入るとすぐに一人の女性が入ってきて、「神父様、お許し下さい。私は罪深い女です」と言った。「お前は何をしたのだ?」と神父が尋ねると、その女性は「私は自分の夫以外の男と肉体関係にってしまったのです」と答えたので、神父は「何度その男と関係を持ったのだ?」と質問した。「三度です」と女性が答えたので、「聖母マリア様、と三度唱えて、貧しい人々のために5ドル寄付しなさい。そうすればあなたの罪は許される」と締めくくった。女性が懺悔室から出て行くと代わりに男性が中に入り、「神父様お許し下さい。私は罪を犯しました」と言うので、神父は「お前は何をしたのだ?」と尋ねた。男は「私は不倫関係に陥ってしまいました」と答えた。「何度不倫関係を持った?」と神父が尋ねると、「三度です」と男は答えた。神父は「聖母マリア様、と三度唱えて、貧しい人々のために5ドル寄付しなさい。そうすればあなたの罪は許される」と締めくくった。それを見ていたラビは「要領はわかった。私でも君の代わりを出来ると思う」と言ったので、神父は教会を去って家に向かった。ラビはしばらく待つと、一人の女性が懺悔室に入って来て、「神父様お許し下さい。私は罪を犯しました」と言うので、ラビは「お前は何の罪を犯しのだ?」と聞くと、その女性は「私は不倫な肉体関係を持ってしまったのです」と答えた。ラビが「それは何回行った? 」と聞くと、「二度です」と女性は答えた。ラビは「じゃ、こうしよう。もう一回不倫行為を行ってから、またここに戻りなさい。この教会は今週はスペシャルサービスを行っているのだ。不倫行為3回で、5ドル、それで汝の罪は帳消しだ!」


 5469. Puoutine

In Canada we eat Poutine. In Russia Putin eats you.

5469. プーチン



 5470. Mint

One Sunday morning, an old lady headed to church late, because she couldn’t find her hearing aid. As she was late and did not want to be noticed, she sat in the back, next to a teenager. The pastor asked, “Everyone who has committed the sin of adultery, stand up.” The old lady was wondering why everybody suddenly went quiet and asked the teenager what the pastor just said. He answered that the pastor asked of people who wanted mints to stand up. As our nice old lady was thirsty and she stood up. The pastor was so surpised that he asked her why she had stood up. To that, the old lady responded, “I may be old and toothless, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy sucking one from time to time.”


補聴器を探しても見つけることが出来ず、日曜日に教会のミサに遅れた耳の遠い老婆は、遅れたことが目立たぬよう、教会後部の席に座った。彼女の隣には十代の若い男が座っていたが、牧師が「不倫の罪を犯したことがあるものは、立ち上がりなさい」と言った。耳の遠い老婆は、何故ミサに参列している人達が急に静かになってしまったのか不審に思い、隣に座っている十代の若い男に、「牧師さんは何て言ったんだい?」と尋ねた。若い男は面倒くさいので、「牧師さんはミントが欲しい人は立ち上がるようにと言ったんですよ」といい加減なことを言った。善良な老婆は喉も乾いていたので、スッと立ち上がった。牧師は飛び上がるほど驚き、「何故あなたは立ち上がったのですか?」と問いただした。これに対して老婆は「私は歯がないけど、ちょっとずつ吸って楽しむことは出来るのよ」と 答えた。


Kaz's BOOK STOREへ 英語のジョーク表紙へ
Mail Kaz for Other Jokes Archives(旧作一覧)