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 5471. Quarantini

During the Covid19 pandemic, Corona beer Company had slump in business. So they came up with a new cocktail using Corona extra beer. They call it “Quarantini.” (← Quarantine)

5471. 隔離カクテル


 5472. Thatcher and Johnson

What’s the difference between Maggie Thatcher and Boris Johnson? One starved miners and one starved minors.

5472. サッチャー首相とジョンソン首相の違い

マーガレットサッチャーとボリス・ジョンソンの違いは何か? サッチャーは炭鉱夫(miners)を窮地に陥れ、ジョンソンは低所得者 (minors)を窮地に陥れた。


 5473. British Prime Minister Liz Truss’s sudden resignation

Newly elected British Prime Minister Liz Truss announced her resignation outside No. 10 Downing Street in London on October 20. Her tenure only lasted 45 days(!) Alan McGuiness, a news reporter at Sky News, shrugs and says, “My son has lived through four chancellors, three home secretaries, two prime ministers and two monarchs in Britain. He is only 4 months old.”

5473. リズ・トラス英国首相の突然の辞任


 5474. Eat voraciously

What did Kim Jong Un and Xi Jinping ate voraciously when they had lunch together in a Pyongyan restaurant? KimXi (Kimchi?)

5474. がつがつ食べる

金日成と習近平が平壌のレストランで何をがつがつ食べたでしょうか? キムジー(KimXi)。


5475. You must speak to me in English

Donald Trump decides to visit Mexico to see the progress of his border wall. While out in the middle of the hot sun he notices a pond of water by a farm. Thirsty, after having drunk all the water he brought with him, he decided to kneel down and take a drink. An older Mexican man approaches him and says “No bebas el agua, las vacas se han cagado en ella.” (Translated: Don't drink the water, the cows have crapped in it.) Donald shouts back: “Don’t you know who I am. I’m Donald Trump, president of the United States of America. How dare you speak to me in that dirty language. You must speak to me in English and show me the respect I deserve!” The man responds in English. “Mr. President, please use your two hands. You’ll get more.”

5475. 英語で話しかけなければならない

ドナルド・トランプはメキシコ国境に沿って建てている塀の工事進捗状況を確認するために、現地を訪問しようと決心した。灼熱の太陽に晒され喉が渇いたトランプは、持ち歩いていた水筒の水を全て飲み干してしまった。彼は農家の近くに池があるのに気付き、その池の脇にしゃがみ込み、池の水をごくごく飲んだ。年老いたメキシコ人が彼のそばによって来るなり、“No bebas el agua, las vacas se han cagado en ella.”(その水は飲むな。牛がその中にオシッコしてるんだぞ)と現地の言葉で警告した。トランプは怒鳴り返した。「俺が誰だか知らないのか?俺はアメリカ合衆国大統領だぞ。その俺に向かって、訳のわからない言葉で話しかけるなんて、とんでもない。ちゃんと英語で話かけることで、俺に敬意を払え!」すると年老いたメキシコ人は英語でこう答えた。「両手で水を掬いあげればもっと沢山飲めますよ、大統領閣下」

 5476. Boris Johnson at the bank

Boris Johnson walks into a bank to cash a cheque. As he approaches  a female cashier Johnson says, "Good morning. Could you please cash this cheque for me?" The cashier says, “It would be my pleasure, Sir. Could you please show me your ID?” Johnson replies, “Truthfully, I have never brought my ID with me as I don’t need such a thing. I am Boris Johnson, the British Prime Minister.” The cashier says: “Yes, I know who you are, but our bank regulations require the tellers to identify the person to prevent impostors or forgers who try to steal money. So I must insist on seeing your ID, Sir” she says. Johnson says: “Just ask anyone here at the bank who I am and they will tell you. Everybody knows who I am.” The cashier responds. “I am sorry, Mr Johnson, but this is the bank rule and I must follow its procedure.” Johnson says: “Come on please, I am urging you, please cash this cheque.”

The cashier relents. “All right Sir, here is an example of what we can do,” she says. “One day, Tiger Woods came into the bank without an ID. To prove he was Tiger Woods he pulled out his putter and made a beautiful shot across the Thames into a cup of tea held by the bank's chairman sitting at his desk. With that shot, we knew he was Tiger Woods and cashed his cheque. Will you show me you are real Boris Johnson, our Prime Minister.” Johnson walks around the counter, thinking and thinking and finally says, "Honestly, my mind is a total blank. There is nothing that comes to my mind. I can't think of any single thing to prove my identity. I have absolutely no idea what to do." The cashier smiles at him, “That will do just fine good, Sir.  Will that be large or small notes?”

5476. ボリスジョンソンが銀行で




 5477. Pi R squared

A hillbilly boy Jay is the first in his family to attend high school. After his first day of high school, the whole family is bursting with pride to see him swaggering up the driveway. His father says, "Jay, come and tell us about that fancy high school! What'd you learn there today?" Jay says, "Dad, they taught me some algebra." His father is dumbstruck. "What is al-gee-bra, boy?" Jay says, "I ain't sure, too, Dad. I think it's a math language." His father says, "Well, speak some of that fancy al-gee-bra for us!" Jay says, "Ah, Pi R squared. Dad. that sounds delicious pie!"

5477. パイ・アール二乗


●代数で最初に習ったのは円の面積の公式 S=πR二乗(面積=円周率x半径x半径)だったのですが、ド田舎者のジェイは四角い(square)美味しいパイ菓子だと思ったようです。

 5478. Highway

A Japanese high-ranking official went to France on an official trip. He attended an official diplomatic dinner with his French counterpart. Seeing his magnificent villa, with paintings from great masters on the walls, the Japanese official asked his counterpart how he ensured such a standard of living from the modest salary of the public servant. The Frenchman invited him to the window. “Can you see this highway?” “Yes.” the Japanese replied. “It cost 20 billion francs, the company wrote out an invoice for 25, and gave me the difference.”



 5479. How to spot different types of liar

Here is a pictue of “A liar “ and “A bare faced liar.”

5479. 二種類の嘘つきの見分け方


 5480. Laziness

A man told his doctor that he wasn’t able to do all the things around the house that he used to do. When the examination was finished, the doctor said, “You have neither bodily ills nor psychological ills. I think you have no problem for doing house chores.” The man nodded and said. “I can take it. Tell me in plain English what is wrong with me.” “Well, in plain English,” the doctor replied, “you’re just lazy.” “OK, I admit it.” said the man. “Now give me the medical term of laziness so that I can tell that term to my wife.”

5480. 怠け者


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