Mail Kaz for Other Jokes Archives(旧作一覧)


 5511. Rien a declarer?

5511. 申告するものはありませんか?

係官「申告は何もありませんか?」 教皇「はい、たくさんのお詫びと謝罪があります」


 5512. Pee in a cemetery

Two intoxicated women stopped to pee in a cemetery after a long night out drinking and partying. The first woman squats down by the car and starts to pee. She then realizes she doesn’t have anything to wipe with, so she takes her panties off and wipes herself, and throws them away. The second woman squats down near a gravestone and starts to pee. She also realizes she has nothing to wipe with. She sees her friend use her panties but she thinks to herself, “I’m not using my panties, these are expensive! Victoria’s Secret is nothing to throw away.” So she grabs a ribbon off the near by grave and wipes herself. The next morning the husbands of the women call each other. The first woman's husband says, “Man my wife came home with no panties on and she can’t remember anything.” The second husband says, “That’s nothing dude, my wife came home with a ribbon stuck to her ass saying "We will never forget you!", signed by Juan, Carlos, Pepe, Jeremy, and the whole National Guard!”

5512. お墓でオシッコする


 5513. Lightning first and the thunder next

A science teacher asked a pupil, ”Why do we see the lightning first and hear the thunder next?” A pupil confidently replied, “Because my eyes are in front of my ears.”

5513. 稲光が先で雷が後

理科の先生が生徒に尋ねた。「なぜ稲光が先に見えて、雷が後から鳴り出すのですか? 」一人の生徒が自信たっぷりに答えた「だって、僕の目は耳の前についているじゃありませんか」

 5514. Putin and Macron meeting

Putin:This is between you and I.
Macron :Can you hear me, Mr Putin?
Putin: Let’s play badminton for relaxing.
Macron: Mr. Putin, we need able sataff to negotiate.

Between you and I ! Can you hear me?
Let’s play badminton We need able staff!

5514. プーチン・マクロン会見



 5515. Nothing can stand without destruction.

Wang Hongwen went to see Marshal Zhu De, requesting him to hand over power. "You may take over, but only if you can make this egg stand upright," Zhu said, while handling him an egg. After trying for several days, Wang was still unable to make it stand, so he went to see Deng Xiaoping for help. "This is easy," said Deng, and he forcefully smashed the egg down into the table. "Ai ya, it broke!" Wang exclaimed. Deng said, "Chairman Mao has said, 'nothing can stand without destruction.’ Look, isn't the egg standing upright now?"

【Cf: Translator's notes】The phrase "nothing can stand without destruction" was a revolutionary slogan that encouraged destruction of old, feudal things. The jokes that flourished (underground) in China during the Cultural Revolution, a period of incredible hardship and human rights abuses.

5515. 何事もまず破壊せねば解決策は出てこない



 5516. Party Gate Scandal

My fellow citizens, “Stay home!”
My fellow Member of Parliament, “Bring Your Own Booze to No. Downing Street!”

5516. パーティゲートスキャンダル



 5517. Too many Japanese and Americans in Korea

An American, a Japanese, and a South Korean are in a rowing boat, loaded with food. The boat is sinking. The Japanese starts throwing bottles of whisky overboard. “Stop that! We love whisky." say the other two, "We have amount of whisky!" says the Japanese. The boat still continue to sink. The American starts throwing cases of beef over the side and the others try to stop him. "We have too much beef in the USA" he says. Still, the boat sink. The Korean guy throws the Japanese guy and the American over the edge. They cry out to ask why he has done this.”You shoud have thrown your kimchee!” they shouts. “We have too many Japanese and Americans in Korea" he says.

5517. 韓国には日本人とアメリカ人が多過ぎる


5518. Only rice

A stingy man invites his firentds fo dinner. When they sit down, plates start coming in. All plates are filled with only rice. They start eating expecting different food will come in, then the man's son comes in and asks his dad "should I bring in the chickens?" The dad says "Not yet." As the people keep eating the rice, the boy comes in again and asks his dad "should I bring in the chickens?" The dad says, "Not yet." Finally all the people already eat full of rice, then the boy comes in and asked his dad "should I bring in the chickens?" The dad said "Yeah, bring in the chickens." The boy opens the door and a couple chickens walk in and start eating the rice on the floor.



 5519.Eat(Kim Jong Un)

My country is starving. So I’m gonna eat less this morning.



 5520. Blow chunks

Overly intoxicated man in a bar one night is making a fool of himself. The next day he returns to the bar sits down and orders a coffee. The bartender sarcastically asks," are you sure you don't want another shot of whiskey?" Holding his stomach, and wiping his mouth the man says," I drank so much last night that I went home and blew chunks." The bartender says, "see what happens when you drink too much, you end up throwing up all night." The man replies." no, you don't understand, chunks is my dog."


ある晩バーで相当酔っ払った男は、相当バカなことを言っていた。翌日もその男はバーに戻ってきてコーヒーを注文した。バーテンが皮肉たっぷりに「今日は、ウイスキーじゃないんですか?」と聞くと、その男は胃袋を押さえながら口の周りについたコーヒーを拭いながら答えた。「昨晩飲み過ぎちゃって家にもどったらblew chunksしちゃったんでね」バーテンが「ほら、ご覧なさい。酒は飲み過ぎると一晩中戻し続ける(throwing up)でしょ」と言うと、男は首を振ってこたえた。「わかっちゃいないな。Chunkというのはうちの愛犬だよ」

●Blewは男性性器を吸うという意味もあります。Blow chunksは嘔吐すると言う俗語ですから、バーテンは男がBlow Chunksと言ったので「ホラネ、飲み過ぎて吐いたんでしょ」と言ったのですが、実はこの飲み過ぎた男、自分が何をやっているのかわからなくなって愛犬チャンクのオチンチンを舐め続けてしまった、(Blew Chunk’s)ということです。

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