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 5521. Types of headaches

5521. 頭痛の種類

片頭痛 → 高血圧 → 緊張(ストレス) → ロシアの隣国で暮らすこと  (上図の様に徐々に痛みがひどくなります)

 5522. Toast the Bride and Groom

I took part in a cannibals wedding last weekend. All was going well until they decided to toast the Bride and Groom.




5523. I want to sing a song

A little boy sits at the dinner table with his family eating dinner. After drinking too much juice he announces to the table “Mummy! Mummy! I need to pee!” Embarrassed by her son’s uncouth table manners she corrects him by saying “My son! How rude of you! Next time you need to use the bathroom please come to me and say, ‘I want to sing a song.’ This is much more polite!” “Okay, Mom. I want to sing a song,” replies. The boy is escorted from the dinner table to the bathroom. Later that night while the house is asleep, the little boy wakes up desperately needing to use the bathroom. He tiptoes into his grandfather’s room and gently taps him on the shoulder. “Grandfather, grandfather, please, I want to sing a song,” says the little boy. Annoyed, the grandfather wakes up and replies “What are you talking about boy?! You can’t sing a song now, it’s the middle of the night!” “Please, grandfather! I really, really want to sing a song!” replied the boy, getting more and more desperate. “Are you mad?! You’ll wake everyone up!” replies the grandfather. “I really, really need to sing a song though!” says the boy. Exasperated, the grandfather sighs and says “Okay, well if you really need to sing a song, do it quietly into my ear.”

5523. 歌が歌いたいんだ



 5524. They choose Putin for 4 years


 5525. Hooker at the same street

Prince Charles decided to take up walking and everyday, at the same street corner, he would pass a hooker. He learned to brace himself as he approached her for what was almost certain to follow. “One hundred and fifty pounds!" she'd shout. "No! Five pounds!" he said from the side of his mouth, just to shut her up. This ritual between him and the hooker became a daily occurrence. She'd yell "One hundred and fifty pounds!" He'd yell back "Five pounds!" One day, Camilla decided to accompany her husband and as the couple neared the hooker's corner he became even more apprehensive than usual. Sure enough, there she stood. He tried to avoid eye contact as she watched the pair pass. Then, the hooker yelled "See what you get for five pounds, you cheap bastard!"

5525. 同じ所にいる立ちんぼ女


5526. Campus life

1)You can't see a thing when it is foggy in Los Angeles, but once the fog clears U.C L.A.
2) One student of our college is so aggressive at learning that he hits the books.
3) I performed so badly in my marine biology tests and assignments that my grades went below sea-level.


1)ロスアンゼルスが霧がかかっていると何も見えないが、霧が消え去るとくっきり見える。UCLA(=You See L.A)  ●UCLA=University of California Los Angelsという名門校。
2)僕の大学にいる生徒の一人は学ぶことについては非常に積極的で、本を引っぱたくくらいだ。●hit the bookは「一生懸命猛勉強する」というイディオム。
3)僕は海洋生物学を真面目に勉強しなかったので、テストの結果はC以下(below sea-level)だった。

 5527. Ghost jokes

1)Where do senile ghosts go during the day? Day”scare” centers.
2) How do ghosts find out their future? They read their horror-scopes.
3) Why do mummies have so much trouble keeping friends? They’re too wrapped up in themselves.
4) How does a ghost unlock a door? With a spoo-key.
5) What position do ghosts play on the football field? Ghoul-keeper.


●Daycare centerとDary”scare”(ビックリ脅かす)の掛け言葉。
2)幽霊はどうやって彼等の未来を知りますか?Horror scope(恐怖の望遠鏡)で。
●wrap up(口をつぐんで喋らない/グルグルに包む)の掛け言葉
4)幽霊はドアをどうやって開けますか? スプーキー(幽霊)で。 
5)幽霊がサッカー場で演じるポシジョンは? 幽霊(ghoul:ゴール)キーパー。

 5528. Defecation

No one laughed at my joke about defecation, because it was a shit joke.

5528. ウンコ漏らし



 5529. Donald Trump Campaign Slogans

" America First! No Amigos!"
“Make America White Again"”
"Stump For Trump""
“Trump Build the Wall, Digs Coal, Drain The Swamp""
“We Shall OverComb""

Anti-Donald Trump Campaign Slogans

“Immigrants Make America Great!”
“Anyone but Trump!”
“Move to Canada!”
“"Dump Trum! Derail Trump! Deport Trump!"
“You Can't Comb Over Racism!”




“人種差別主義を歓迎するのを止めろ!" (髪を必要以上にいじくるComb overとCome over掛け言葉)

 5530. Nanci Pelosi

I'll never forget my grandpa's last words. Find a woman who holds you as tight as Nancy Pelosi holds her impeachment articles.

5330. ナンシー・ペローシ


●ナンシー・ペロシはアメリカで初の女性下院議長になったやり手女性政治家で、その厳しい追及にはトランプ大統領がたじたじになることもあり、こんなジョークまで出来た位です。 Nancy Pelosi said if she were married to Donald Trump, she’d poison his coffee. Donald Trump said if he were married to her, he’d drink it! (ナンシー・ペロシが「もしドナルド・トランプと結婚させられるくらいなら、彼のコーヒーに毒を入れてやるわ」、と言ったら、トランプは「もし彼女と結婚させられたら、喜んでそのコーヒーを飲み干してやるわ。(=死んだ方がましだ)」

Kaz's BOOK STOREへ 英語のジョーク表紙へ
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