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 5541. We haven’t got their information

Vladimir Putin walks into a meeting room and asks the generals sitting there. "How is my special operation against Ukraine and NATO going?" The generals all look at each other nervously. “Tell me now! Right away!” Putin demands. A general stands up and says, "Well, we have been fighting bravely for 4 weeks. We have lost more than 15,000 soldiers, 6 generals, over 500 tanks and fighting vehicles, 3 ships, 100 planes and drones and 1000 trucks." "And what about our enemy? Ukraine and NATO?" Putin turns red with anger and yells at the generals. "Well," the general scratches his head and says, "They haven't turned up yet. Our drones have been all shot down and we haven’t got their information."

5541. 情報がつかめておりません


5542. Crackdown

What do you call it when the police shoot down the smuggler’s cocaine drone? A crackdown.

5542. 犯罪検挙(コカイン墜落)

警察がコカイン密輸業者のドローンを撃ち落とすことを何と呼ぶか? 犯罪検挙(コカイン墜落)


 5543. A Shanghai thief’s complaint

A Shanghai thief is grumbling about the Chinese government’s strict “Zero-Corona” restriction. “I wanted to pickpocket someone’s wallet on the street, but there was no one on the street. So I tried to break into a house to steal something, but everybody was at home. I can hardly make living these days.”

5543. 上海の泥棒のぼやき


 5544. Cigar

A young lawyer, defending a businessman in a lawsuit, feared he was losing the case and asked his senior partner if he should send a box of cigars to the judge to curry favor. The senior partner was horrified. “The judge is an honorable man,” he said, “If you do that, I guarantee you’ll lose the case!” Eventually, the judge ruled in the young lawyer’s favor. “Aren’t you glad you didn’t send those cigars?” the senior partner asked. “Oh, I did send them,” the younger lawyer replied. “I just enclosed my opponent’s business card with them.”

5544. 葉巻


 5545.Take down your trousers

President Obama has a meeting with Xi Zinping to discuss the debt the US owes to China. He arrives at the Chinese presidential mansion in Beijing with the Vice President Joe Biden, but they find there is work going on in the garden and lots of mud everywhere. So they have to roll up their trouser legs and step carefully to enter. They sit down to wait for President Xi Jinping, but Biden notices they still have their trousers rolled up. So he whispers to Obama, "Mr. President, take down your trousers." Obama looks horrified. "We owe him THAT MUCH!!!"

5545. ズボンの裾を下げて


●take down your trousersはズボンを下げたみっともない状態ですので、「極めてまずい状態で、不用意なところを見られて」という意味で使われる口語表現です。

 5546. Greek mythology jokes

Q1: What is the most Greek mythical vegetable? A1: The uniCORN.

Q2. Who was the hottest, sexiest woman in Greek mythology? A2. Medusa. One look from her made guys rock hard.

Q3: What does Zeus wear under his tunic?  A3:Thunderwear!

5546. ギリシア神話ジョーク

Q1:ギリシャ神話で一番有名な野菜は何ですか? A1:ユニコーン(特別トウモロコシ)です。 ●Unicornは馬に似た伝説の一角獣です。

Q2ギリシャ神話で一番セクシーで男をその気にさせる神は誰ですか? A2:メデューサでしょう。何しろ彼女を一目みると男は全て石になってしまうんですから。 ●Medusaは輝く目を持ち、それを見た者は誰もが石になってしまうという伝説です。

Q3:ゼウスは上着(tunic)の下に何を着ていましたか? A3:雷パンツ。 ●UnderwearとThunder wear (雷の洋服)の駄洒落

 5547. Tough image

During #G7 meeting, Western leaders joked whether it would be advisable to take off their jackets or even be more naked in order to oppose "formidable" and "tough" image of Putin. Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime minister, added: "We will arrange a ride on horseback with bare-chested."

5547. タフさを競う


 5548. The meaning of politics

The word "politics" derives from the Greek "poly", meaning "many" and "ticks", meaning "blood-sucking parasites."



 5549. I’ve had enough to drink

A man sat down at a bar, looked into his shirt pocket, and ordered a double scotch. A few minutes later, the man again peeked into his pocket and ordered another double. This routine was followed for some time, until after looking into his pocket, he told the bartender that he’s had enough. The bartender said, “I’ve got to ask you what’s with the pocket business?” The man replied, “I have my lawyer’s pictures in there. When he starts to look honest, I’ve had enough to drink.”

5549. もう充分酔っ払った


 5550. Free Asian asshole picture

I was on Porn website the other day and there was an ad that read: Free Asian asshole picture. When I clicked on it, a picture of Xi Jinping appeared.

5550. アジア人のお尻が無料で見られます



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