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 5561. Shut up and eat your ice cream

Biden: You need to stop with the nuke threats.
Putin :Shut up and eat your ice cream. You can’t handle your own economy, secure your own border and no country anywhere is scared of you.

5561. 黙れ、自分のアイスクリームでも舐めてろ



5562. (リアルタイムトレーシング) ON OFF

RTXとはコンピューターグラフィックボードで、現実に近いリアルな光沢にする機能で、RTXが ONだと現実に近い風景になりますが、OFFだと光の明暗で画像が分かりにくくなります。

 5563. Stark naked passenger

An inebriated woman, stark naked, jumped into a taxi in New York and laid down on the back seat. The cab driver, an old Jewish gentleman, opened his eyes wide and stared at the woman. He made no attempt to start the cab. The woman glared back at him and said, “What’s wrong with you, honey? Haven’t you ever seen a naked woman before?” The old Jewish driver answered, “Lady, I am not staring at you as an obscene subject.” The drunk woman giggled and responded, “Well, if you’re not staring at my boobs or ass, Sweetie, what are you staring at then?” The old driver paused a moment and told her. “Well, M’am, I am looking and I am I am thinking o myself, ‘here is she keeping the money to pay for a ride?’ ”

5563. 素っ裸のタクシー乗客

明らかに酔っぱらった女性が、すっ裸でニューヨークのタクシーに乗ると、後部座席にデーンと座ってしまった。年取ったユダヤ人のタクシー運転手は、目を見開いて後部座席の客を見つめたが、タクシーを発進させようとはしなかった。素っ裸の女性は運転手を睨み返して、「ハニー、何か問題あるの?裸の女の身体見たことないの?」と言った。年取ったユダヤ人タクシー運転手は。「いや、マダム、私は何もあなたを、いやらしい考えを持ちながら見つめていたのではありませんよ」と答えた。酔っ払った裸の女性はクスクス笑いながら言い返した。「可愛い子ちゃん、あんたが私のオッパイやお尻を見ていたのでないと言うなら、一体あんたは何を見ていたの?」運転手は一呼吸すると彼女に言った。「マダム、私があなたを見つめていたのは、素っ裸のあなたは、一体どこにタクシー料金 持っているのかな?って気にったものですからね」

 5564. Dementia, my ass!

Dementia, my ass! I’ve always been this dumb! Make Taliban great again


俺は認知症さ。俺はずーっとこんなアホだったんだよ! もう一度タリバンを偉大なものにしよう

●選挙で争ったドナルド・トランプの謳い文句が“Make America Great Again”(アメリカを再び偉大な国家にしよう)だったのが、このバイデン野球帽のオチ<Make Taliban Great Again>になっています。

 5565. Negro segregation jokes Today you should not talk this kind of joke.

1) What do black people and bicycles have in common? Neither work without chains.
2)We might have a black president in the U.S. when pigs fly. Well, I am saying about swine flu.
3) What's the difference between black people and snow tires? Snow tires don't sing when you put chains on them.

5565. 黒人差別ジョーク現代はこの手の差別ジョークを語るべきではなくなっている。

1) 黒人と自転車の共通点とは?鎖をつけないと働かない。
2)そんなことはあるわけないが(when pigs fly)、ひょっとしたら黒人の米国大統領が実現することもあるかもしれない。あ、豚伝染病(swine flu)のことを話しているんだけどね。
●Whne pigs fly =豚が空を飛ぶなんて考えられないので、実現不可能なことを言う時に使うが、それを誤魔化すために豚伝染病(swine flu)だよ、とさり気なく逃げ道を打ってある。現実にケニア人男性とアメリカ白人女性がハワイで出産したBarak Obamaは2009年に44代アメリカ大統領に就任している。

 5566. A perfect hypocrite

President Xi Jinping attended the celebrations marking 25 years since the city's handover from Britain on July 1, 2022. He hailed China's rule over Hong Kong, insisting that democracy was flourishing despite a yearslong Beijing’s political crackdown that has silenced dissent in Hong Kong. Xi's speech was aiming at celebrating the Chinese Communist Party's control over the once outspoken international business hub after the mainland China stamped out huge democracy protests in Hong Kong. Since Beijing imposed a national security law on Hong Kong in 2020, opposition has been quashed and most leading democracy figures have fled the country. Many people have been disqualified from office or been jailed. But Xi nonchalantly said. “ We had always acted for the good of Hong Kong. After reuniting with the motherland, Hong Kong's people became the masters of their own city and Hong Kong's true democracy started from here." What can we call him? A perfect hypocrite? An impudent cold-blooded liar?



 5567. Hillary Clinton is stronger than any male Republican politician

When Hillary was called, she testified for 11 hours and she didn’t take the fifth.



 5568. Lightbulb jokes

1) Taxi driver :How many taxi drivers does it take to change a light bulb? Two. One to screw it in and one to overcharge for the bulb.
2)Bureaucrat :How many bureaucrats does it take to change a light bulb? 100. One to change the bulb and 99 to write the environmental impact report.
3)Board meeting :How many board meetings does it take to get a lightbulb changed? This topic was resumed from last week’s discussion but is incomplete pending resolution of some action items. It will be continued next week. Meanwhile…

5568. 電球ジョーク


 5569. Zelenskyy vs Putin

Zelenskyy: I’m not afraid of you.
Putin:Then you will die braver than most.

5569. ゼレンスキー VS プーチン


 5570. Gender free

1) Genders are like the Twin Towers. There used to be two of them and now it has become a really sensitive subject.
2) What is the gender of Iron Man? Fe Male
3) Last night I saw a debate between a woman and a man. She only wanted to talk facts and he only wanted to talk about his feelings. Did this debate flip gender roles?
4) Why is every gender equality officer female? Because it is cheaper.
5) How will we truly reach gender equality? By leaving the toilet seat at a 45 degree angle for the next person to decide without bias.

5570. 男女平等問題

2)アイアンマン(鉄の男)の性(gender)はどちらでしょうか? Fe-male(女性)です。 ●Feは「鉄」の元素記号です。

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