Kaz's BOOK STOREへ 英語のジョーク表紙へ
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An Englishman, a Frenchman and a Turk were caught while looking through the window of the harem. The Sultan learned of the event and became very angry and decided to castrate them according to their profession. The Englishman was asked what his job was and he answered, “I´m a tailor." ”OK. Cut him with scissors” The Frenchman was asked and he answered “I’m a woodcutter.” ”OK. Cut him with an axe.” The Turk’s turn came and he was breathlessly laughing. Curiously the Sultan asked him. “Hey! Why are you laughing? A little later you’re going to be castrated. The Turk replied, ” I am an ice cream man, ..lick lick. How will you finish it? That’s what’s I'm wondering. Hee hee hee…..”

5631. 去勢


 5632. Covid epidemic in China

#1. The Lunar New Year 2020, meeting other people was a life and death matter. Playing cards risked death. Going out on a date, well, that is true love!
#2. During the Covid self-restraint time in 2021, whenever I went out to buy masks, I always calculated the profit and loss. To go out for buying 10 masks, I use 1 mask. That’s a net gain of 9. If I cannot buy a mask, I have a net loss of 1.
#3. During the prolonged Covid self-restraint time in 2022, everyone is finally living the life they dreamed of. Adults don’t have to go to work. Children don’t have to go to school. Sleep until you wake up naturally. A husband is not dinking at a bar or playing mahjong with his buddies. He is with his wife day and night. This small life feels really good, but boring.

5632. 中国におけるコロナ感染


 5633. Open a jewelry shop

Two Puerto Ricans, Juan and Jose, are talking about their friend who immigrated to America.
Juan: Did you hear about Pedro? He opened up a jewelry shop after one year living in New York?
Jose: No, I didn’t. How did he do that?
Juan: With a crowbar.

5633. 宝石店を開ける


●open a jewelry shopは(1)宝石店経営を始める、(2)宝石店のドアを物理的に開けるという二つの意味に取れます。

 5634. Golf club

A female American consultant just made a million dollars for an Arabian Oil Sheik’s dealing. When she was leaving the Oil Sheik offered her Diamonds and rubies and a Silver-plated Rolls Royce as a token of gratitude, but she declined. The Sheik insisted so she finally said that she just started to golf and maybe a set of golf clubs would be nice. A few weeks later she received a telegram from the sheik; So far I have bought you 3 golf clubs. I hope you aren’t disappointed that only 2 of them have swimming pools.

5634. ゴルフクラブ


 5635. Period

The elementary school pupils had a homework assignment to find out about something very exciting and to relate it to the class the next day. When the time came for the little kids to give their reports, little Johnnie walked up to the blackboard and drew a small white dot on it with a piece of chalk then sat back down. The teacher couldn’t figure out what Johnnie had in mind for his report and she asked him just what that was. “It’s a period,” replied Johnnie. “Well we can see that, but what is so exciting about a period?” asked the teacher. “Yesterday when my sister said she missed the period, Mommy fainted and Daddy got very angry and called up my sister’s boyfriend and bellowed him on the phone. My Sis fell down and started crying. It was very exciting.”



 5636.Crooked Quiz

Q1. Some months have 31 days. How many months have 28?
A1. Twelve(12). All the months have at least 28 days, don’t they?
Q2. How many outs are there in an inning of the baseball game?
A2.Six(6) . Don’t forget there is a top and bottom to every inning.
Q3. How many 2 cent stamps are there in a dozen?
A3.Twelve (12). How many eggs are in a dozen? TWELVE. It’s a dozen!

5636. 意地悪クイズ

Q1. 31日迄ある月がありますが、28日を持つ月は?
A1. 12あります。すべての月は少なくとも28日以上あるでしょ。
Q2. 野球の1イニングではアウト数は幾つですか?
A2. 6です。だって1イニングって表と裏があるでしょ。
Q3. 2セントの切手は1ダースだと何枚になりますか?
A3. 12枚でしょ。「1ダースの卵は何個か?」って聞かれたら12個でしょ。

 5637. Arabic reading

A disappointed salesman of Coca Cola returns from his Middle East assignment. His friend asked, “Why weren’t you successful with the Arabs?” The salesman explained, “When I got posted in the Middle East, I was very confident that I will makes a good sales pitch as Cola is virtually unknown there. But, I had a problem I didn’t know to speak Arabic. So, I planned to convey the message through 3 posters. First one; a man crawling through the hot desert sand, totally exhausted and panting. Second one: This man is drinking our Cola. Third one; our man is now totally refreshed. Then these posters were posted all over the place in the area.” ”That should have worked,” said the friend. The salesman replied, “Well, not only did I not speak Arabic, I also didn’t realize that Arabs Read from Right to Left…”

5637. アラビア語の読み方



 5638. Brazen liar

A politician visited a remote village and asked what their needs were. ”We have 2 basic needs,” replied the village leader. “First, we have a hospital, but there’s no doctor.” On hearing this, the politician whipped out his cellphone, and after speaking for a while he reassured the village leader that the doctor would be there the next day. He then asked the leader about the second problem. ”Secondly sir, there is no cellphone coverage anywhere in the village.” The moral of the story; How can you tell a politician is lying? Whenever his lips are moving.

5638. いけ図々しい嘘つき


 5639. Handsome offer

A beautiful, poor 18- year-old Peruvian girl tells her Mom that she has missed her period for two months. Very worried, the mother goes to the drugstore and buys a pregnancy kit. The test result shows that the girl is pregnant. Shouting and cursing her father says, “Who was the pig that did this to you? I want to know!” The girl picks up the phone and makes a call. Half an hour later, a Ferrari stops in front of their house. A distinguished gentleman with gray hair and impeccably dressed in an Armani suit steps out of the Ferrari and enters the house. He sits in the living room with the girl and her parents and talks to them “Good morning, your daughter has informed me of the problem. I can’t marry her because of my personal family situation but I’ll take the responsibility. I will pay all costs and provide for your daughter for the rest of her life. Additionally, if a girl is born, I will bequeath a Ferrari, a beach house, two retail stores, a townhouse, a beachfront villa, and a $2,000,000 bank account. If a boy is born, my legacy will be a couple of factories and a $4,000,000 bank account. However, if there is a miscarriage, what do you suggest I do?” At this point, the father places his hand firmly on the man’s shoulder and tells him, “You fuck her again.”

5639. 気前の良い申し出

貧しいが美しい18歳のペルー人娘が母親に月経が二ヶ月間ないと告げたので、母親は大慌てで薬局に行って妊娠検査キットを買って試したところ、妊娠が間違いないと確かめられた。彼女の父親は大声で罵りながら「こんなことをお前にした豚野郎は誰なんだ!教えろ!」と叫んだ。娘が電話をかけると30分後に家の前にフェラーリが止まった。見事なアルマーニのスーツを着た銀髪の立派な紳士がフェラーリから下りてきて、彼女の家に入ってきた。 紳士は居間にいる少女と両親の前に腰掛けると、「お早うございます。お嬢さんから電話をいただき問題を解決しようとやって来ました」と話始めた。「私は自分の家族があるのでお嬢さんとは結婚することが出来ませんが、彼女が一生住んでいくに困らない費用を払うことで責任を取りたいと思います。それに加えてもし女の子が生まれたらフェラーリ1台と、商店を二軒、快適な住居と海辺の別荘、そして200万ドルの銀行口座を贈ります。もし男の子だったら、工場数軒と400万ドルの口座を贈ります。万一流産した場合ですが、その場合はどうしたらよいでしょうか?」と言うので、娘の父親はこの紳士の肩にしっかりと自分の腕を置いて、「その時は、もう一度うちの娘を可愛がってください」

 5640. Cold-blooded girlfriend

My girlfriend had called me ugly until she found out how much I have. Then she called me ugly and poor. I was so shocked that I said to her if she could call me gentler. She thought for a moment and said, “Well, you’re not completely useless. At least you can serve a bad example.”

5640. 冷たいガールフレンド


Kaz's BOOK STOREへ 英語のジョーク表紙へ
Mail Kaz for Other Jokes Archives(旧作一覧)