Kaz's BOOK STOREへ 英語のジョーク表紙へ
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 5641.She’s dead

A guy had planned a trout fishing at his favorite spot on the coast of Florida. He launched his boat and began fishing. In no time, he caught the biggest trout he’d ever caught. He cast out again and was delighted to catch an even larger trout. Every cast, he caught a trophy fish. Then his mobile phone rang. It was the hospital telling him his wife had been admitted to the emergency room. They told him she might die. The fisherman was worried, but he wanted to catch the world-record trout, so he decided to have just a few more casts. He caught three more really huge trout, but his conscience began to get the better of him, so he reluctantly pulled anchor and motored back to his car to go to the hospital. Running into the emergency room, he met a stern-looking doctor. The doctor saw he dressed for fishing and he scolded the husband. “Your wife has been at death’s door for hours. You kept fishing after you were called, didn’t you? You ought to be ashamed!” The guy couldn’t make any excuses. “Well,” said the doc, “I hope you had a good time. Your wife will survive, but your fishing days are over. She will require constant care from now on 24 hours every day. You will have to do everything for her.” The fisherman sobbed, “Oh God, I didn’t think it was that bad, I feel terrible!” The doc grinned and nudged the fisherman with his elbow. “Just kidding, buddy… she’s already dead. How many did you catch?”

5641. 彼女は死んだ

ある男がフロリダ沖にある彼のお気に入りの漁場で鱒釣りを楽しもうと計画し、船を出して釣りを始めた。直ぐに彼は今まで釣った鱒の中では最大級のものを釣り上げた。さらに釣り糸を垂らすと、もっと大きな鱒が釣れ、釣り竿を投げ入れる度に表彰状がもらえるように大きな鱒が次々と掛かった。突然彼の携帯電話が鳴った。それは病院から彼の妻が緊急病棟に入院し、生死の際に経たされているという連絡だった。男はとても心配したが、世界記録クラスの鱒が続々掛かっている機会を逃したくもなかったので、あと数回釣ったら終わりにしようと決心した。その結果三尾の大きな鱒を釣り上げることができたが、良心の痛みもあって、やむなく船の錨を引き上げ、自分の車を停めた場所まで船を戻した。 病院の緊急病棟にやって来た男は、こわい顔をした医者に睨まれ、釣り装束を強く咎められた。「あなたは奥さんが死にそうになってこの数時間苦しんでいるのに、電話連絡を受けた後も釣りを続けていたんですね。何てひどい人だ!」男は一言も返す言葉がなかった。 「さて」と医者は言葉を続けた。「あなたは釣りを楽しんだことと思うが、あなたの奥さんは助かるでしょう。ですが、あなたは釣りをすることは出来ません。奥さんはこれから先毎日24時間の付き添いが必要です。あなたは自分の時間の全てを彼女に注がねばなりません」男はすすり泣きを始め「神様、そんなに妻の状態が悪いとは知りませんでした。本当に悪いことをしてしまった」と言うと、医者はニヤリと笑って男の身体を軽く肘で押すと、「冗談だよ。もう奥さんはこの世の人ではないんだから。で、今日の釣果はどうだった?」


 5642. Toilet paper

1. How is life like toilet paper? You are either on a roll or taking shit from other people.
2. Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. 
3. Why didn't the toilet paper finish the work? Because it was wiped out

5642. トイレットペーパー

1.人生はトイレットペーパーのようなものだ。仕事がはかどる(on a roll)か、他人から酷い目に遭うか(take shit)のどちらかだ。
3.トイレットペーパーは何故仕事を終わらせることが出来なかったか? 疲れ果ててしまったから。 ●Wipe out =疲れ果てる、拭き取るの二つの意味にかけている。

 5643. Epidemic Control in Shanghai as a Joke.

The Entire Western World is Waiting to See Epidemic Control in Shanghai as a Joke.
(Left: USA) Living with Corona virus.
(Center:Ttop-hatted capitalist) “The Chinese method is riskier!”
(Right: Shanghai, CHINA) Citywide Zero Covid management.

5643. 全西方都在等着看上海的笑= 西欧諸国は上海のコロナウイルス対策は


5644. Excuses

Four boys were late for school. The teacher asked each student for the reason why they were late. Ryan answered, “My clock was 15 minutes late.” Tom answered, “My bicycle’s tires were flat.” Scott belched and said, “I ate breakfast too much this morning. So I walked slowly to school.” After Scott finished, Johnny began to cry. The teacher was bewildered and asked him, “Johnny, why are you crying? I didn’t even ask you yet.” Johnny replied, “Ryan, Tom and Scott used up all my excuses.”



 5645. Lexus or Acura

My father couldn’t activate his computer, because he forgot his name, Alexa. “Dad, just think of the car Lexus and add an a at either end,” I suggested. The next time he wanted to use his computer, he looked a bit puzzled. Then he remembered what I’d said and confidently typed in, “Acura!”

5645. レクサス?アキュラ?



 5646. Spittle spattering

There was a head-on crash traffic accident in Shanghai in 2022. Both drivers showed their cellphones from their driver’s sheet and then began cursing each other for several hours. They dare not quarrel in person, afraid of spittle spattering.

5646. 唾を飛び散らかす


 5647.She caught more fish than me

Two guys are talking about fishing. One says to the other, “I am NEVER going to take my wife fishing with me, ever again! She did everything wrong! She talked too much, made the boat rock constantly, tried to stand up in the boat, baited the hook wrong, used the wrong lures and WORST of all, she caught more fish than me!”



 5648. Suck in his stomach

When a fat guy stands on the weight scale, he is trying to suck in his stomach. “That won’t help you, Joe, you know?” his friend says. Joe replies, “Oh it helps a lot. It’s the only way I can see the numbers.”

5648. 腹をへこます


 5649. New Year Resolution

My 2021 New Year Resolution is to accomplish the goals of 2020 which I should have done in 2019 because I promised them in 2018 and planned them in 2017.

5649. 新年の誓い



 5650. Fighting NATO

In David Letterman’s interview series on Netflix, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky told a joke about the state of Russia’s military which made the host and the audience laugh. Here’s his Jewish joke. Two Jewish guys from Odesa meet up and one asks the other. “So what’s the situation? What are people saying?'” “They are saying it’s a war.'” “What kind of war? What are people saying? “Russia is fighting NATO.” “Are you serious?” “Yes, yes! Russia is fighting NATO.” “So how’s it going?” “Well, 70,000 Russian soldiers are dead. The missile stockpile has almost been depleted. A lot of equipment is damaged, blown up.” “And what about NATO?” “What about NATO? NATO hasn’t even arrived yet.”

5650. NATOと交戦中


二人のユダヤ人が(ウクライナ南部黒海に面した)オデーサでの路上でバッタリ出会い、一人のユダヤ人がもう一人に話しかけた。 「で、状況はどうなってるんだ?人々は何て言っているんだ?」 「これは戦争だって、皆言ってるよ」 「どんな戦争なんだ?人々は何て言ってるんだ?」 「ロシアがNATOと戦争している、って皆言ってるよ」 「マジかよぉ?」 「そう、そうだよ。ロシアがNATOと戦争しているんだ」 「で、現状どういうことになってるんだ?」 「えーっと、今のところ7万人のロシア兵が戦死し、備蓄ミサイルは殆ど使い果たしてしまったし、多くの兵装備品が破壊されて使い物にならなくなってしまっている」 「で、NATOの被害状況はどうなんだ?」 「NATOの被害状況?NATOはまだ戦地に到着すらしていないんだぜ!」


Kaz's BOOK STOREへ 英語のジョーク表紙へ
Mail Kaz for Other Jokes Archives(旧作一覧)