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 5661. Just fuck already


5661. いいからとにかくセックスしろよ

やぁ、僕は63代日本首相安倍晋三だけど、僕は君達に言いたいことがあるんだ。 とにかく、頼む、頼む、頼むから子供を産んでくれよ。まともな仕事にもつかず、テレビゲームに熱中している君達NEETにはうんざりだ。君達がこの国をダメにしているんだぞ、いい加減にしろよ。

●日本の少子化が深刻になっているのは、子供をつくらないNEETのweeabooのせいだ、 とにかくセックスをして子供を産めよ、と言っています。NEET=Not in Education, Employment or Training(学生でもなく仕事につかず専門技術も学ばない若者)。Weeboo=Wapanese(アニメやゲームなどの和文化におぼれてまともに働かない連中)と呼びます。

 5662. Good news and bad news

Vladimir Putin was being briefed by his top generals. "Mr. President, We've good news and bad news for you this morning," one general said. "Okay, let's hear the good news first," Putin said. "The Ukrainian arsenals are outdated and many won't pose any threat to us at all," the general explained. "That's good news! Things might be starting to turn our way! What is the bad the news?" Putin asked. The other general shifted in his seat and looked down at the table. "A large amount of our best weapons and munitions have been captured, Sir."

5662. 良い知らせと悪い知らせ


 5663. Incest

Arkansas is very proud of Mr. Bill Clinton. All the women confessing to having sex with Mr. Clinton and none of them are his sister.

5663. 近親相姦



 5664. Olympic logo rings

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga gave an opening speech at the Tokyo Olympics, 2021. He walked up to the microphone. "O!" he said, which was followed by applause. "O!" he said again, welcomed by an ovation. "O!" he said third times and the audience stood up and cheered. Suddenly, an aide ran up to the podium. "Prime Minister Suga," the aide whispered, "Those are the Olympic logo rings, you don't need to read all of them!"

5664. 五輪の輪


 5665.Presidents’ history

Future historians will be able to study American Presidents at:
the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library,
the Richard Nixon documents at the FBI archives Division. 
the Ronald Reagan Screen Scene on films,
...and Bill Clinton at the adult book stores.

5665. 大統領の歴史

リチャード・ニクソンについては、FBI資料課文書で。 ロナルド・レーガンについては、

 5666. Animal Q&As

Q1: How do you fit more pigs on your farm? A1: Build a sty-scraper!
Q2: Where do polar bears vote? A2: The North Poll. (Pole?)
Q3: What kind of flower does a well-dressed lion like? A3: Dandelion (dandy lion)
Q4: Why is a fish easy to weigh? A4: Because it has its own scales.
Q5: Why don’t you trust a duck when it tells a story? A5: Because it always quack.

5666. 動物クイズ

Q1:あなたの農場でもっと多くの豚を収容するにはどうすればよいですか? A1:豚小屋(sty)高層マンション(scraper)を建てましょう。(styscraper≒skyscraper)
Q2:北極の白熊はどこで選挙投票しますか? A2:北極(North Pole≒Poll)で。
Q3:お洒落なライオンが好む花とは? A3:タンポポ。 (dandelion≒dandy lion)
Q4:何故魚が自分の体重を測るのは簡単なのか? A4:自分で秤(scale=うろこ)を持っているから。
Q5:鴨が話すことは何故信用出来ないのでしょうか? A5:鴨はいつもハッタリを言う(=quack:鴨の泣き声)からです。




 5668. Monkey see, Monkey do

Hiroyuki Konishi, an Upper House member of the Democratic Party of Japan, mocked the fellow Diet lawmakers as monkeys and got under fire from his colleagues and the public. Konishi allegedly told the reporters after the Upper House Committee meeting on the Constitution, “I don't want to have these meetings every week, because it’s what monkeys would do. They aren’t thinking about anything. They are just reading out documents that someone has written. It’s a waste of time.” Kei Miki, one of the Committee members of Nippon Ishin Party, got angry and demanded that Konishi should apologize. She said, “I write my manuscripts myself. He is insulting all the committee members.” Later Konishi excused that he thought it was the off-the-record situation and added that he would apologize to those who were offended and he would retract his remarks. Monkey see, monkey do, Mr. Konishi, aren't you just monkeying around?

5668. 猿芝居



What do you call a ship Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Francisco Franco, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong were aboard? A dictator ship.



 5670.Everyone knows who the idiot is

In Moscow, the Police surrounded a man and handcuffed him. They said, “It is illegal to insult the President.” “You don’t understand what I’m saying. I am insulting the Ukrainian President Zelensky,” the man protested. The police captain said, “You can’t fool us. Everyone knows who the idiot is.”

5670. 誰が馬鹿かということ位、皆知っている


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