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 5671. An honest husband and a shrewd wife

An elderly couple hand in hand walked to their high school where they had met and fallen in love 60 years ago. As the school wasn’t locked, they got into their old class room and the husband found the old desk they had shared. The phrase ”I love you Sally, From Jelly.” was still carved on the desk. On their way back home in a nostalgic feel, a bag of money fell out of an armored car and the bag landed at their feet. Sally quickly picked it up and they took it home. There she counted the money – 50,000 dollars(!) Jelly said, “We better give it back to the police.” Sally said to Jerry, “Finders are keepers! What a lucky day it is today!” and she hid it in their attic. The next day, two police officers were canvassing the neighborhood looking for the money. They knocked on the door of the Jerry and Sally’s house. “Pardon me, did either of you find a bag that fell out of an armored car yesterday?” Sally said, “No, officer.” Jerry said to one of the officers, “Sorry, she is lying. She hid it up in the attic.” Sally said to them, “Don’t believe him. He’s getting senile and he can’t tell today from yesterday.” The officers turned to Jerry and began to ask him. “Tell us the story from the beginning.” Jerry nodded, “Well, Sally and I were walking from our high school yesterday….” The officer shrugged and said to his partner, “Let’s go out here.”

5671. 正直な夫と小賢しい妻


 5672. Surrender

Putin was woken up at 02:30 in the morning by his secretary. "Vladimir Vladimirovich, the Ukrainians want to discuss the terms of surrender." Putin sat up on his bed and said, "Great, give me my phone, I'll call Zelensky." "That won't be necessary, Sir. The Ukrainian soldiers are standing behind the door. Also, they gave us an hour," replied the secretary.



 5673. WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) jokes

Q1: What do call a WASP who doesn’t work for his father, isn’t a lawyer and believes in social causes?
A1: A failure.
Q2: How do WASPs wean their baby?
A2: By firing their maid.
Q3: What’s a WASP’s idea of open-mindedness?
A3: Dating a Canadian. WASPジョーク

●WASPはWhite Anglo-Saxon Protestant(アングロサクソン系白人新教徒)の略で、アメリカ社会の中枢を占めるエリート白人グループです。鼻持ちならない金持ちで気取った嫌みな奴、というのが典型的パターンです。

5673. WASPジョーク

Q1: WASPで自分の父親の会社で働かず、弁護士にもならず、社会の絆・大儀(causes)を信じている男を何と呼ぶか?
Q2: WASPはどうやって自分の子供を乳離れさせるか?

 5674. Rebranding WHO

As the single biggest patron, China demanded WHO to rebrand the organization’s name from WHO(World Health Organization) to XiDO (Xi Jinping-Donated Organization). WHO finally accepted China’s demand and made it public. “We hereby announce a rebranding our name as XiDO, but before we sign off the old name, we use it one last time. WHO cares.”

5674. 世界保健機関(WHO)改名

世界保健機関(WHO)最大の寄付金貢献者として、中国はその名前をXiDO(習寄付機関)と改名するようにとWHOに要求した。WHOは最後にこの要求を受け入れて、公式表明することになった。「当機関はXiDOと改名することを発表します。古い名前を封印する前に一度だけ使わせていただきます。WHO cares.(そんなこと知ったことか)」

 5675. Manana

Puerto Rican rapper Lloyd Banks was on television with British TV host Ms. Anne Diamond. When he used the word 'manana,' Diamond asked him to explain what it meant. Lloyd said that the term means "Maybe the job will be done tomorrow, Maybe the next day, Maybe the day after that. Perhaps next week, next month, next year. Who cares? We’re Puerto Ricans."

5675. まぁ、そのうちいつかね


●スペイン語でHasta Mananaは“ては、また明日”なのでManana(明日)が拡大解釈され続けて、「いつになるかわからないけどさぁ」というニュアンスになったのでしょう。でもプエルトリコ人はWho cares?(誰がそんなこと、気にするんだ)です。

5676. Animal Quiz

#1. What do you call a grizzly bear caught in the rain? A drizzly bear!
#2. What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college? Bison!
#3. A pony felt its throat so bad that it couldn’t speak. So it went to see the doctor. What did the doctor say when he checked the pony? "I know what's wrong. You're a little horse. (hoarse?)"

5676. 動物クイズ

#1. 雨の中で捕えられた灰色熊(grizzly bear)を何と呼ぶか? 霧雨に濡れた(drizzly)熊。
#2.大学へ行くことになった息子に、野牛の父親は何と言ったか? 息子よさらば。●Bison(野牛)と Bye Son!(息子よさらば)の掛け言葉。
#3.仔馬は喉が痛くて喋ることが出来なくなったので、医者に行った。医者が仔馬を診断して何と言ったか? 「何が原因かわかりました。貴方は小さな馬(horse)だからです。●hoarseとhorseは発音が同じ。

 5677. Intercepted by Richard Sherman!

5677. リチャード・シャーマンに掴まっちまったぜ!

金正恩:ミサイルを発射したが、アメリカ北海岸に向かう途中でアメリカンフット ボールの名ワイドレシーバー、リチャード・シャーマンに掴まってしまった。

 5678. Cannibal Butcher Shop

A traveler wandering in African jungle found a village inhabited entirely by cannibals. He came upon a butcher shop and this shop was specialized in human brains. The sign in the shop read: Artist Brains $ 9.00 Philosopher Brains $12.00 Scientist Brains $15.00 Politician Brains $29.00 Upon reading the sign, the traveler said, "My God! The politician’s brains must be quite tasty!" The butcher replied, "Are you kidding? Do you have any idea how many politicians you have to kill to get a pound of brains?"

5678. 人食い人種の肉屋

アフリカのジャングルをさまよい歩いた旅行者が、人食い人種しか住んでいない部落を見つけ、そこにあった肉屋に足を止めた。その肉屋は脳味噌専門店らしく、次の看板が掲げられていた。 芸術家の脳味噌  9ドル 哲学者の脳味噌 12ドル 科学者の脳味噌 15ドル 政治かの脳味噌 29ドル 旅行者は看板を読むと、「何てこった!政治家の脳味噌はさぞかし旨いんだね」と言うと、肉屋はこう答えた。「何を馬鹿なこと言ってるの。1ポンドの脳味噌を取るために、一体全体何人の政治家を殺さねばならなかったか、考えてごらんよ」

 5679. It’s her!

A woman got mugged and the police found several Polish suspects. The police brought the woman in the room where the suspects were lined up. One of the Polish suspects stepped forward and yelled, “I recognize her – it’s her!”.

5679. あ、この女だ!



 5680. Geek puns

#1. Which ancient Greek Philosopher had a foot fetish? Play-toe and Sock-rates?
#2. What does a Greek machine need to work? Greece(grease?).
#3. All Rhodes lead to Greece.

5680. ギリシャ語駄洒落

#1.異常に足に愛着した古代のギリシャ哲学者とは誰ですか? プラトー(Play-toe)とソクラテス(Sock-rates)です。●ToeとSockから
#3.全ての道はギリシャに通じる。 ●All roads lead to Rome.(全ての道はローマに通じるいう有名な諺のパロディ。Rhodes(ロード島)はエーゲ海に浮かぶギリシャの島

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