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 5681. Bloody skipping

After examining him, the doctor said to Murphy, “You have some problems with your heart, but if you take these tablets, it will be okay.” Murphy asked the doctor, “Do I have to take them every day?” No,” replied the doctor “Take one on a Monday, skip the Tuesday, take one on Wednesday, skip the Thursday and go on like that.” Two weeks later, the doctor walked down the street and saw his patient’s wife. “Hello Mrs. Murphy. How’s your husband?” the doctor asked Mrs. Murphy. “Oh, he died of a heart attack,” she replied. The doctor was shocked. “I’m very sorry to hear that, but I thought if he took the tablets I gave, he would have been all right.” “Oh, the tablets were fine,” said Mrs. Murphy, “It was all the bloody skipping that killed him!”

5681. くそ忌々しいスキップのために


●マーフィーは医者のskip a day(一日飛ばして)を、一日中スキップし続けると勘違いし、月曜日服薬→火曜日一日中スキップ→水曜日服薬→木曜日一日中スキップを繰り返し、とうとう心臓麻痺を起こして死んでしまった、ということです。

 5682. Terrible joker and impudent liar

In the 2021 World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland, Chinese President Xi Jinping addressed that the strong should not bully the weak and decisions should not be made by simply showing off strong muscles or waving a big fist.” Everyone knows China is the biggest bully in the world. He is not only a terrible joker but also an impudent liar.

5682. 冗談が下手な厚かましい嘘つき


 5683. College student lightbulb jokes

#1. How many Princeton students does it take to change a lightbulb? Two. One to mix the martinis and one to call the electrician.
#2. How many Harvard students does it take to change a lightbulb? Three. One to change the bulb and two to check his math homework.
#3. How many engineering faculty students does it take to change a light bulb? Six. One to design a nuclear-powered bulb that never needs changing, one to figure out how to wire the electricity for the school by using that nuked light bulb, two to install it and one to write the computer program that controls the wall switch.

5683. 電球ジョーク(大学編)

#1.電球一個を取り換えるのに、何人のプリンストン大学の学生が必要か?2人。 1人が(カクテルの)マティーニを作り、もう一人が電気屋を呼ぶために電話を掛けるため。
#2.電球一個を取り換えるのに、何人のハーバード大学の学生が必要か?3人。 1人が電球を変え、2人がその人の数学の宿題をチェックするため。
#3.電球一個を取り換えるのに、何人の工学部の学生が必要か?6人。 1人が原子力発電により交換が不要になる電球をデザインし、1人がこの原子力発電電球の電線を、学内にどのように配線すれば良いか考え、2人がそれを実際に学内に配線し、1人がこの配電システムスイッチをコントロールするコンピューターのプログラムを作成するため。

 5684. No oil, No Baibakov

During World War II, because of oil shortages on the front, Stalin appointed Nikolai Baibakov to be the Minister of the Soviet Oil Industry in charge of finding and developing new oil deposits. Baibakov first objected, claiming that with the currently limited resources, the search for new oil fields was impossible. Staling said, “If there will be no oil, there will be no Baibakov.” Horrified Baibakov worked like hell and developed a new oil field at Tatarstan, in the Volga-Ural basin, and large deposit in Bashkortostan near the Tatarstan was also discovered. Baibakov lived to be 97. (True story)



 5685. World’s greatest liar contest

Snow White, Superman and Pinocchio are walking in New York. When they see a house with the sign on "World’s prettiest woman contest." Snow White goes in and comes back out all happy, tiara on her head as a winner. They keep walking and see a gym with the sign up "World’s strongest man contest." Superman goes in and comes back out as a winner with smile and a trophy in his hand. They keep walking when they see a house with a sign "World’s greatest liar contest". Pinocchio goes in and comes out all beaten and a tear in his eye, cursing "Who the fuck is Donald Trump!?"

5685. 世界最高の嘘つき大会


 5686. Son-in-law

Two men are waiting for a train. The younger man asks the older man for the time, but the older man ignores him. After a while, the younger man again asks for the time and the older man ignores him. Frustrated, the younger man finally asks, “Why won’t you answer me when I ask you for the time?” The older man sighs and explains. “Look, if I tell you the time, we’ll start to talk. Then when the train comes, you might sit down next to me. Perhaps we’ll get to know each other, and maybe I’ll eventually invite you to my house for dinner. Maybe you and my daughter would really get along. Why, you might even engage yourself to my daughter. Why would I have to have a son-in-law who can’t even afford a watch?”

5686. 義理の息子



 5687. Computer Q&A jokes

#1. Q: What did the spider do on the computer? A: It made a website!
#2. Q: Why did the computer keep sneezing? A: It had a virus!
#3. Q: What did the computer do at lunchtime? A: Had a byte!
#4. Q: Why was the computer cold? A: It left its Windows open.
#5. Q: What do you get when you cross a computer and a lifeguard? A: A screensaver!


#1.Q:蜘蛛がコンピュータで何をしましたか? A:蜘蛛の巣(ウエッブサイト)を作りました。
#2.Q:コンピュータが鼻をずっとすすっているのは何故ですか? A:ウイルスに感染したからです。
#3.Q:コンピュータは昼食時に何をしましたか? A:ひと口噛みました。(1 byte)
#4.Q:何故コンピュータは寒くなったのでしょうか? A:ウインドウズ(Windows)を開いたままにしておいたからです。
#5.Q:コンピュータと海難救助員を掛け合わせると何になりますか? A:スクリーンセーバー。

 5688. Messerschmitt

When I was in elementary school, an old crusty WWII fighter pilot veteran came to my school for talking his wartime experience. He was telling us about a dog fight he was in. “So boys and girls, I was in my Mustang and I had three fuckers to my right, two fuckers to my left, and one fucker right in front of me.” Our teacher got red with embarrassment and interrupted in, “Boys and girls, the Fokker was a kind of fighter plane used by Germany in World War II.” The old pilot responded, “Ah yes, that’s right, Miss, but these fuckers were flying Messerschmitt.”

5688. メッサーシュミット



 5689. Dementia?

5689. 認知症?


 5690. Don’t tell anyone I saved you!

Vladimir Putin was out swimming in the river, but he suddenly began to drown. A peasant who was passing by jumped in and pulled him safely to shore. Putin asked the peasant what he would like as a reward. Realizing whom he had saved, the peasant cried out: “Nothing! Just please don’t tell anyone I saved you! Otherwise, I would be killed by my villagers.”

5690. 私が貴方を救ったってことを誰にも言わないで下さい



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