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 5691. Forgetful old man

Saudi TV mocks US President Joe Biden as a forgetful old man who falls asleep at the podium, wanders off and needs to be helped around by Kamala Harris character played by man in drag. “Listen to me,” the president says. “I have a very important message for you. The message is…” and he falls asleep. When nudged awake by Harris, Biden resumes a speech about the President of Spain and Harris whispers to him. “Ah, I mean, the President of Russia.” He falls asleep again and when nudged awake by Harris, Biden resumes a speech about the President of China. The skit ends with Biden falling asleep again and a flustered Harris holding him up and maniacally shouting "Clap for your president right now!"

5691. 耄碌(もうろく)老人



 5692. Lawyer Q&A joke

#Q1. What is the difference between a good lawyer and an excellent lawyer? A1. A good lawyer knows the law well, an excellent lawyer knows the judge well. #Q2. Why did God make rats before making lawyers? A2. He needed the practice. #Q3. How many lawyers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A3. Three - The first to screw in the lightbulb, the second to push the ladder and make him fall, and the third to sue the ladder company for its defective product.

5692. 弁護士Q&Aジョーク

Q1.良い弁護士と優れた弁護士との違いは何ですか? A1. 良い弁護士は法律を詳しく知っており、優れた弁護士は判事を良く知っています。 Q2.何故神は弁護士を造る前に野ネズミ(rat)を造られたのですか? A2. 神は練習する必要があったからです。●Ratは俗語で卑劣なことをする奴という意味もあります。 Q3.電球一個取り換えるのに何人の弁護士が必要か? A3.3人。一人が電球をソケットにねじ込み、もう一人がその弁護士が乗っている梯子を押して弁護士を墜落させ、もう一人が梯子を欠陥品として製造会社を訴えるために。

5693. Two sealed envelopes

When Nikita Khrushchev succeeded Stalin, Stalin left two sealed-envelopes for him, saying that he should open when his government got in the hot waters. After a while, the nationwide food shortage endangered the Khrushchev’s government. So he opened the first envelope. The message in it read; “Now time has come for you to blame everything on me to divert the people’s attention away from your government’s failure.” Khrushchev did so and he successfully managed to win the public support. After couple of years, people got enough of him and opposition against Khrushchev begun to mount. So he opened the second envelope which read; “Now time has come for you to prepare the same two envelopes and nominate your successor.”



 5694. Black people Q&A jokes Be careful. Too offensive.

#Q1. Why do black people call each other brothers? A1: Because they don't know who their fathers are.
#Q2. What do you call all black abortion clinic? A2:Crime
#Q3. What do you call black people going to prison? A3: family reunion.

5694. 黒人Q&Aジョーク:人種差別ジョークですので言わない方が良いでしょう。

#Q1:何故黒人はお互いを“兄弟達よ”と呼ぶのでしょうか? A1:自分達の本当の父親が誰だかわからないからです。

 5695. Female body

Who designed the female body - an engineer or a biologist? An engineer. A biologist can’t imagine a waste disposal site so close to a recreation area. Only an engineer would place such configuration.

5695. 女性の身体


 5696. Will to fight

#1.How many soldiers does it take to defend Paris? No one knows, it’s never been tried.
#2. How many gears does a French tank have? Seven. One forward and six reverse.
#3 What’s the shortest French book ever written? The Complete List Of French War Heroes.
#4. Why are the best-used guns from France? Because they have never been fired, and they have only been dropped once.
#5. How do you escape a French prison? Yell angrily in German.

5696. 戦意


 5697. Trump’s Gigantic handwriting

5697. トランプの巨大な手書き

●正しくは I thought (thawt?) it would be easier (easyer?) と書くべきですが。。。

 5698. Fart? Shit?

A man is standing in line at the theater and a shabby-looking bum next to him stinks in the worst way. "Hey, old chap, have you farted?" he asks. "Nope." the bum replies ungenially. A few minutes go by and the stench continues in waves. "My dear man, are you SURE you haven't farted? asks the man. "Nope," repeats the bum. Inside, the man takes his seat and the bum sits right next to him. The odor is intolerable. "Well," says the man, "If you haven't farted, have you shat your pants?" The bum leans over and says with a wink, "Yeah, you’re right!"

5698. オナラしたの?ウンコ漏らしたの?


 5699. Peanuts

As everybody has now started washing their hands since the Covid19 outbreak, the peanuts at the bar have lost their taste.

5699. ピーナツ



 5700.He bested me at every move

Several centuries ago, the Pope decreed that all the Jews had to convert to Catholicism or leave Italy. There was a huge outcry from the Jewish community, so the Pope offered a deal. He'd have a religious debate with the leader of the Jewish community. If the Jews won, they could stay in Italy; if the Pope won, they'd have to convert or leave. The Jewish people met and picked an aged and wise Rabbi to represent them in the debate. However, as the Rabbi spoke no Italian, and the Pope spoke no Hebrew, they agreed that it would be a 'silent' debate. On the chosen day, the Pope and the Rabbi sat opposite each other. The Pope raised his hand and showed three fingers. The Rabbi looked back and raised one finger. Next, the Pope waved his finger around his head. The Rabbi pointed to the ground where he sat. The Pope brought out a communion wafer and a chalice of wine. The Rabbi pulled out an apple. With that, the Pope stood up and declared himself beaten and said that the Rabbi was too clever. The Jews could stay in Italy! Later the cardinals met with the Pope and asked him what had happened. The Pope said, “First I held up three fingers to represent the Trinity. He responded by holding up a single finger to remind me there is still only one God common to both our beliefs. Then, I waved my finger around my head to show him that God was all around us. He responded by pointing to the ground to show that God was also right here with us.” “Finally, I pulled out the wine and wafer to show that God absolves us of all our sins. He pulled out an apple to remind me of the original sin.” “He bested me at every move and I could not continue!” Meanwhile, the Jewish community gathered to ask the Rabbi how he had won. “I don't have a clue!” the Rabbi said. “First, he told me that we had three days to get out of Italy, so I gave him the finger, Fuck!” Then he tells me that the whole country would be cleared of Jews, so I told him that we were staying right here. “And then what?” asked a Jewish woman. “Who knows?” said the Rabbi. “He took out his lunch, so I took out mine.”

5700. ことごとく私の論旨を打ち負かした

数世紀も昔だがローマ教皇がユダヤ教徒は全てキリスト教に改宗するか、さもなければイタリアから出て行けという布告を出した。ユダヤ人社会は大声で不満を表明したので、教皇は妥協案として彼とユダヤ人社会指導者とで討論して、もしユダヤ人指導者が勝てばユダヤ人たちはイタリアに留まってよいが、もし彼が勝てばユダヤ人はキリスト教に改宗するか、さもなければイタリアから出て行かねばならぬと提案した。ユダヤ人達は賢い年老いたラビを彼等の代表者として選んだが、あいにく彼はイタリア語が喋れず、また教皇もユダヤ語が喋れなかった。そこで二人は「喋らない討論」を行うことになった。 討論会当日教皇とラビはそれぞれ向かい合って座り、初めに教皇が彼の腕を上げて指三本を示した。ラビはそれを見つめて指を一本突きつけた。次に教皇が彼の指を彼の頭の回りをぐるっと回して示すと、ラビは自分が座っている席の真下を指差した。教皇はキリスト教の聖餐式で使われるパンとワインの盃を出して見せると、ラビはリンゴを一個出した。それを見て教皇は立ち上がり「私の負けだ。ラビは賢過ぎる。ユダヤ人はイタリアにずっと住んでいて構わない」と敗北を認めた。 その後枢機卿達が集まって教皇に一体全体何が起こったのか?と尋ねた。教皇は「最初に私が三本指を掲げ三位一体説について聞くと、彼は指を一本突きつけて、ユダヤ教もキリスト教も信ずるところの神はただ一人だと言ったのだ。次に私が自分の頭の回りに指をぐるっと回して神は我々全ての周りにおられる、と言うと、彼は自分の指を地面に向けて指差し、自分達とも一緒にここにいると答えた。最後に私がパンとワインを取り出し、神は私達の全ての罪を許したもうと言うと、彼はリンゴを一個取り出し原罪(アダムとイブとリンゴの話)を私に思い出させた。彼の全ての動きはことごとく私の問いかけを打ち負かしたので、私はそれ以上続けることが出来なくなってしまったのだよ」と語った。 一方ユダヤ人社会の面々は揃って集まり、ラビにどうやって彼が勝ったのかと質問した。ラビはこう答えた。「さっぱりわからん。最初に彼が我々は3日以内にイタリーから立ち去れと言ったから、儂は彼に指を突きつけ『くそったれ!(Fuck)』と言ってやったんだ。そうしたら彼は国中からユダヤ人は一人残らず居なくなると言ったので、我々はこの国に残るんだ、と地面を指差したんだ」すると「それで、どうなったのですか?」と一人のユダヤ人女性が彼に聞いた。「知らんよ。彼は自分の昼食を取り出したから、儂も自分の昼食を出しただけさ」とラビは答えた。

Kaz's BOOK STOREへ 英語のジョーク表紙へ
Mail Kaz for Other Jokes Archives(旧作一覧)