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 5711. I Saw, I Conquered, I Came

When I learned of the fame of Cleopatra, I. Caesar,straightway laid claim. Ahead of my legions, I invaded her regions and fucked her. I SAW, I CONQUERED, I CAME.


私シーザーはクレオパトラの名声を聞き 単刀直入に私の権利を主張した。即ち私は我がローマ帝国の彼方にある、彼女の領土へ侵入し、彼女を犯す 。つまり「私は見た、征服した、そして来た(=セックスで絶頂に達した)」だ。

●シーザーが語ったと伝えられるVeni, Vici, Vide(ウエニィ、ウイシィ、ウイディ=来た、見た、勝った)を文字っていますが、最後のComeはクレオパトラとのセックスで絶頂に達したというのが、ジョークのミソです。(笑)

 5712.The Ant and the Grasshopper

#1. Aesop's Fables A family of Ants were bustling about in the warm sunshine to store up during the summer while an idle Grasshopper was just playing the fiddle in the summer. In winter when a starving Grasshopper with his fiddle under his arm, came up and humbly begged for a bite to eat. The Ants shrugged their shoulders in disgust and said to the Grasshopper, “You’ve just got what you deserved.”

#2. In the U.S. The Grasshopper were only playing the fiddle in summer, but a TV producer appreciated his musical talent and the Grasshopper became a TV star and got a tremendous amount of money.

#3: In the Soviet Union The Ants helped the Grasshopper who fell down at the entrance of Ants’ family. The Ants gave him a part of their family’s stored food. Finally, they ran out of food and finally both the Ants family and the Grasshopper were starved to death.

#4. In Japan Both the Ants and the Grasshopper died of overwork in winter.


#1.イソップ寓話では? 夏の間アリ一家は中強い陽に照らされながら、せっせと仕事して食糧を溜めたが、怠け者のキリギリスはバイオリンを弾いて遊んでいるだけだった。冬になって腹ペコになったキリギリスが、バイオリンを両手で抱えてアリを訪れ、何か食べさせてほしいと懇願したが、アリは仕方ないでしょと言わんばかり肩をすくってみせて、「自分に相応しい状態になっているだけですよ」と、軽蔑の表情で拒絶した。

#2.アメリカでは? バイオリンばかり弾いていたキリギリスだが、その腕前がテレビプロデューサーの目に止まり、一躍スターに。キリギリスは大金持ちとなった。

#3:旧ソ連では? アリは玄関先で倒れていたキリギリスを助け、食べ物を分け合う。しかし、結局は食糧が足りなくなり、アリもキリギリスも死んでしまう。

#4.日本では? アリもキリギリスも冬に過労死する。

 5713. Pedo

My girlfriend is 19 and I’m 29 and one day we went out to eat in our favorite re5staurant. But the whole time I had to deal with being accused of being a pedo, being called disgusting and disturbed there. It completely ruined our 10-year anniversary.




 5714. I can’t hear

While watching a movie in the theater, a man can’t hear the dialogue over the chatter of the two women sitting in front of them. Unable to bear it any longer, he taps one of them on the shoulder. “Excuse me, I can’t hear the story.” “I should hope not,” one woman replies sharply. “This is our private conversation.”





An Italian feels happy when he is fooling around his lover in his bed while watching a soccer game on TV. A Spanish feels happy when he eats paella while drinking wine for lunch and takes a nap for 2 hours after the lunch. Soviet citizen felt happy when his house was suddenly raided by the secret police and they understood that it was their mistake and left.


イタリア人の幸福とは、愛人とベッドでいちゃつきながらサッカーを見ている時。 スペイン人の幸福とは、ワインとパエリャの昼食を食べた後で、のんびり2時間昼寝している時。 旧ソ連人の幸福とは、部屋に踏み込んできた秘密警察が人違いに気付いて帰っていった時。

 5716. Lobster and wine

When a drunk hails a taxi, the taxi pulls over. He sticks his head in the passenger side window and asks the driver, “Have you got room in your passenger seat for a whole lobster and a bottle of wine?” “Sure,” replies the taxi driver. The drunk says “Fantastic!” and throws up on the passenger seat.



 5717. Billing statement 

In an American factory, an essential machine broke down and the factory engineers desperately tried to find the cause of the trouble, but they couldn’t fathom it out. They reluctantly asked a noted Japanese engineer to fix the machine. After watching around the machine in trouble, he knocked several places on the machine with a hammer and then the machine started again. They were all gaping at him and this Japanese engineer charged 5,000 dollars for repairing. The factory manager was very surprised and said to the Japanese. “You only tapped the machine several times and charged us 5,000 dollars! That’s a rip-off! Show me the billing statement!” The Japanese engineer handed the bill to the factory manager without saying anything. It read; Tapping $5. Searching for the tapping places $4,955


アメリカのある工場で、絶対必要不可欠な機械が壊れてしまい、その工場の技術者たちは必死になってあちこち調べたが、原因を究明することはできなかった。彼らはしぶしぶ機械修理で名高い日本人技師を招かざるを得なかった。その日本人技術者は機械のあちこち眺めた後、ハンマーで機械を数カ所卜ントンと叩いた。すると機械は元通りに動き始めたのである。彼らは口をポカンと開け、呆然としてその日本人技師を見つめた。彼は修理代として5000ドルを請求したので、工場長は驚いて言った。「あなたは機械をちょっと叩いただけじゃないか! それで代金5000ドルとはぼったくりだ。詳しい明細を書いてくれ」日本人技師は何も言わず、請求書を差し出した。それにはこう書かれていた。
叩き代       5ドル
叩き場所捜索代  4,955ドル

 5718. Retired boxer

A retired boxer goes to see the doctor, because he is having trouble sleeping. The doctor asks him, “Have you tried counting sheep?” “Oh, yes,” the boxer replies, “butt every time I get to the number nine, I stand up.”




 5719. Thank God

A vacationer decided to go horseback riding and visited a local farm that rent horses to ride around the countryside. The very religious owner explained to the vacationer that in order to make the horse go, he would say “Thank God” and to make the horse stop, he should say “Amen.” During his ride around the village, the horse got stung by a bee and in pain and shock, the horse took off running right toward a dangerous cliff. “Amen!” the vacationer shouted and the horse stopped just a few inches short of the cliff’s edge. The man caught his breath, looking over the cliff, and muttered out “Thank God.”




 5720.Artificial intelligence computer

A Japanese said to a Russian, “In Japan every factory work will be done by a robot which has an artificial intelligence computer.” A Russian replied to the Japanese. “I can’t believe that story! If it has real brains, it can’t work for a factory work!”




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