Kaz's BOOK STOREへ 英語のジョーク表紙へ
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 5751. Honk if you really love Jesus

Dear my grandson,
The other day I went to a local religious book store where I saw a "Honk if you really love Jesus" bumper sticker. I bought it and put it on the back bumper of my car. I'm really glad I did. On my way back to the house, I was stopped at the light of a busy intersection. I just lost in thought about the Lord and didn't notice that the light had changed. That bumper sticker really worked! I found lots of people who love Jesus. Why, the guy behind me started to honk like crazy! He must really love the Lord, because pretty soon he leaned out his window and yelled, "Jesus Christ!" Everyone else started honking too. So I leaned out my window and waved and smiled to all those loving people. I saw one of them waving in a funny way with only his middle finger stuck up in the air. Do you remember that you told me while giggling that it was the Hawaiian good luck sign when I asked what that meant. So I leaned out the window and gave him the same Hawaiian good luck sign back. He got out of his car, walking towards me. I bet he wanted to pray with me, but just then I noticed that the light had changed and I stepped on the gas pedal. It's a good thing I did, because I was the only car to get across the intersection. I looked back at him standing there with his eyes widely open. I leaned out the window, gave him a big smile, and held up the Hawaiian Good Luck sign as I drove away. Praise the Lord. They were such pious, wonderful folks!

Love, Grandma

5751. イエスを愛してるならクラクションを鳴らして

私、先日近くの宗教書籍販売店に行った時に、「イエスを愛してるならクラクションを鳴らして!」というバンパースティッカーを見つけたの。だからそれを買って私の車の後ろのバンパー(衝撃干渉装置)の上に付けたのよ。とても嬉しかったわ。で、家に帰る途中の交通量の多い交差点で、信号が赤だったので止まったんだけど、神様のことをずっと考えていたので、信号が青になったのに気付かなかったのよ。あのバンパースティッカーのおかげね、皆イエスを愛していることがよくわかったの。何故かって?私のすぐ後ろの車がクラクションを狂ったように鳴らし始めたの。その車を運転していた男は、わざわざ運転席の窓を開いて顔を出して、「Jesus Christ!」って叫んだのよ。その男だけじゃない、後ろにいる車も一斉にクラクションを鳴らし始めたのよ。だから私は運転席の窓を開けて手を振って、この愛すべき人々に微笑みを投げかけたの。その中の一人の男は、中指だけを上に向けて突き上げるという変な動作をしたんだけど、あなた、私が「この動作ってどういうこと?」とあなたに聞いた時のこと覚えている?あなたはクスクス笑いながら、「お祖母ちゃん、それはハワイでは幸運を意味する仕草なんだよ」って教えてくれたわよね。だから私もまた車の窓を開けて同じようにハワイの幸運の仕草をしたのよ。そうしたらその男は車から降りて、私の方に向かって歩き始めたのよ。きっと私と一緒に神に祈りたかったんじゃない?でもその時私は信号が青に変わったのに気付き、アクセルを踏んで車を発進させたのね。私、良い判断をしたわ。だってその時前に進んで交差点を横切ることが出来たのは私の車だけだったからよ。その男が目を丸くして私の車を見つめていたから、窓から顔を出してニッコリ笑って、もう一度ハワイの幸運の仕草をしてから、その場を去ったの。神に栄光あれ!あの時私の後ろにいた人達は皆信心深く、素晴らしい人達ばっかりだったに違いないわ。


●交差点で停まったままで、後ろの車全てからからクラクションを鳴らされ、中指を突き出す(Fuck You!の仕草)までされても、それは神を讃えているのだと、同じ動作を喜々として行ったなんて、このお祖母ちゃん、とんでもない勘違いしてますね。

 5752. Lower-case letters

Why did Karl Marx always spell his name in lower-case letters? Because he wanted to abolish all forms of capital.

5752. 小文字


 5753. Prigozhin’s rebellion and his fate (Kaz’s original)

The mutineers, led by the private army of Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin【Picture:Right】, were advancing toward Moscow, demanding that Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu resign on 25 June 2023. However, Russian President Vladimir Putin denounced Prigozhin's ”criminal adventure” as an “armed mutiny” and called Prigozhin a betrayer. On behalf of Putin, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko persuaded Prigozhin to halt the action by offering him political asylum in Belarus. On 26 June 2023, the next day, Prigozhin ordered his fighters to retreat from their advance to prevent any violent confrontation with the Russian army and bloodshed in Moscow. So Prigozhin’s attempted coup d’etat ended up collapsing. Can one believe Prigozhin to be safe in Belarus? I think not. Lest we forget former KGB officer Alexander Litvinenko. He left the service and fled to London. Then, on 1 November 2006, Litvinenko suddenly fell ill and was hospitalized after being poisoned with polonium-210, from which he subsequently died. Who was the then boss of the KGB? One -Mr. Vladimir Putin.【Picture:Left】

5753. プリゴージンの反乱と彼の運命 (Kaz自作)



 5754. Kittens opened their eyes

A Russian schoolboy wrote in his weekly essay: “My cat just had seven kittens. They’re all communist.” The following week, the boy wrote: “my cat’s kittens are all capitalist.” The teacher called him up and asked him to explain the sudden change. “Last week, you said they were all communists!” The boy nodded. “They were, but this week they all opened their eyes.”

5754. 子猫は目が見えるようになった


 5755. Job interview

A blonde goes for a job interview in an office. The interviewer decides to start with the basics. “So, Miss, can you tell us your age, please?” The blonde counts carefully on her fingers for about 30 seconds before replying, “Ehhhh .. 22” The interviewer tries another straightforward one to break the ice. “And can you tell us your height, please?” The young lady stands up and produces a measuring tape from her handbag. She then traps one end under her foot and extends the tape to the top of her head. She checks the measurement and announces, “Five foot two!” This isn't looking good, so the interviewer goes for the real basics. “And uhh, just to confirm for our records, your name please?” The blonde bobs her head from side to side for about twenty seconds, mouthing something silently to herself, before replying, “Nancy!” The interviewer is completely baffled at this stage, so he asks, “Just out of curiosity, Miss. We can understand your counting on your fingers to work out your age. The measuring tape for your height is obvious, but what were you doing when we asked you your name?” “Oh, that?”' replies the blonde, “That's just me running through Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you....happy birthday dear Nancy…..”'

5755. 就職面接試験



 5756. WHO SAID THAT!?

Nikita Khrushchev is giving a speech on the necessity of de-Stalinizing the country. Someone in the crowd yells "And why didn't you do anything about it before Stalin died?!" Khrushchev stands straight up and bellows "WHO SAID THAT!?", looking left and right. When there is absolute silence and no one owns up to it, he says (in a normal voice) "That is why".

5756. 誰が言ったんだ!?


 5757. Stealth plane

An American, Russian and Malaysian are having a conversation. The American says: "We have the best stealth planes ever. We can fly our B-2 stealth bomber over Beijing and the Chinese will never see." The Russian, not willing to be outdone, says "We also have good stealth planes, so stealthy and 100% accurate." The Malaysian said, "I have the best stealth plane. Our MH370 hasn't been found for 4 years."

5757. スティルス機


 5758. KGB came and arrested them

A man arrives at a hotel after a long train journey, exhausted. He comes into a communal room and sees three other guys who are drunk and talking loudly. They are cracking anti-government jokes and laughing at Khrushchev. The man is annoyed that he can't sleep so he hatches a plan. He walks out into a corridor and asks a staff member to bring him a cup of tea. He then comes back into the room and starts talking to the noisy fellows: "Comrades, you shouldn't joke like that here. Every room is bugged, you know" "Nonsense! Who would listen to us?" "Well, let me show you." The man walks up to a socket and says into it: "Comrade major, can I have a cup of tea please?" Sure enough, the staff member soon enters with a cup of tea. "See, told you." The three men are pale and quiet for the entire night, so the tired man finally gets some good sleep. He wakes up the next morning alone. He walks downstairs and asks the receptionist about the fate of the three men. "At 3 in the morning the KGB came and arrested them. Comrade major also said that he liked your little trick, but warned you to be careful next time."

5758. KGBがやって来て彼等を逮捕した



 5759. Proverbs

A first-grade teacher collected well known proverbs and gave each kid in the class the first half of the proverb, and asked them to come up with the rest. Here are what the kids came up with.

#1. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't …. run around naked. (Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.)

#2. If at first you don't succeed, . . . get new batteries. (If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.)

#3. Where there is smoke, there is . . . pollution. (Where there is smoke, there is fire.)

#4. The pen is mightier than . . . the pencil. (The pen is mightier than the sword.) #5. No news is . . . impossible. (No news is good news.)

5759. 諺


#1.ガラスの家に住む人は・・・裸で走り回るべきではない。 (ガラスの家に住む人は石を投げるべきではない)

#2.最初は失敗しても・・・電池を取り換えてやってみろ。 (最初は失敗しても努力は続けろ)

#3.煙がある所は・・・必ず大気汚染がある。 (煙がある所には必ず火がある=火のない所に煙は立たぬ)

#4.ペンは・・・鉛筆より強い。 (ペンは剣よりも強し)

#5.ニュースがないことは・・・あり得ない。 (ニュースがないことは、よいことだ)

 5760. Did you see God?

Yuri Gagarin returned from space and Khrushchev asked him a question: "While you were up there, did you see God?" Yuri replied: "Yes." "That's what I suspected, but don't tell anybody." Gagarin traveled to Rome and met the Pope, who asked him a question: "While you were up there, did you see God?" Yuri replied: "No." "That's what I suspected, but don't tell anybody."

5760. 君は神を見たか?


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