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 5801. Business jokes

#1. Can-do spirit
Hard worker : If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try.
Lazy worker : If at first you don’t succeed, redefine success.

#2. Management potential
To err is human. To blame it on someone else shows management potential.

#3. Nepotism
Interviewer: What are your thoughts about nepotism in a workplace environment? Candidate: Well, that’s a good question, Dad.

#4. Go to hell
Boss: You’re so dumb and lazy. Go to hell!
Me : Should I stay or leave? I’m confused.

#5. Money
Why is money called dough? Because we all knead (need) it.

5801. ビジネスジョーク




私 :それって、ここから出て行けってこと?それともここに留まれってこと? 混乱させないでよ。


 5802. True to form

Sandy became depressed and decided to end it all by hanging himself. However, his friend Donald came along in the nick of time, cut the rope and saved his life. Sandy, true to form, sent Donald a bill for the cost of the rope.

5802. いつも通り例の如く



 5803. Snobbish bitch

A young man is touring Harvard campus and decides to ask for directions on how to get to the library. He finds a female student reading a book under a tree and says "Excuse me, can you tell me where the library is at?" She replies, "You should never end a sentence with a preposition." The young man looks confused a bit and restates, "I'm sorry - can you tell me where the library's at, you snobbish bitch?"

5803. お高く気取った嫌な女

ハーバード大学キャンパスを歩いていた若い男が、図書館がどこにあるのか尋ねてみようと思って、木陰で本を読んでいる女子大生に声をかけた。「失礼ですが、図書館はどこにあるか、(where the library is at?)教えてくれませんか?」彼女が「文章の最後を前置詞で終わらせるなんてあり得ないでしょ」と答えたので、若い男はちょっと困惑したが、こう言い直した。「それは失礼、じゃ、図書館はどこにあるか教えてくれないか、このお高く気取った嫌なお嬢さん? 」

 5804. Yellow dust from China

Japanese prime minister Fumio Kishda called Chinese President Xi Jinping. Kishida: Mr. President, we hate the Yellow dust from China. It has caused many troubles in Japan.
Xi : Oh, no! The Yellow dust comes from Mongolia, not from China.
Kishida: Are you kidding? You always insist that Mongolia belongs to China!
Xi :(Silence)

5804. 黄砂

岸田: 黄砂は嫌だね。日本はいい迷惑だよ、習近平君。
習: と、とんでもない。あれはモンゴルからで、我が国 からのものではない。
岸田 :え、君はモンゴルは中国領土の一部だっていつも言ってるじゃないか!


 5805. A car tour in Dallas

A guy sees a lamp, rubs it, and a Genie comes out. The genie is so happy that he decides to grant one wish. The guy thinks about it and says "I want to be a powerful man in the world, and have a beautiful wife" The next morning the guy awake in a unfamiliar room, and a beautiful woman said to him. "Wake up John, it's a busy day, we have a car parade in Dallas"

5805. ダラスを車で行列行進予定


●JohnというのはJFK(John F Kennedy大統領)のことで、この美しい女性はジャクリーン夫人、そして「ダラスを車で行列行進」とは、1963年11月22日のケネディ暗殺事件のことを示しています。

 5806. Animal jokes

#1. What do you call a cow with a twitch? Beef jerky.
#2. My dog is an awesome fashion adviser. Every time I ask him what I look like in my clothes, he says, "WOW!"
#3. What has two wings but can't fly, two legs but can't walk, and two eyes but can't see? A dead bird.

5806. 動物ジョーク

#1.痙攣してピクピク動いている牝牛を何と呼ぶか? ギクシャク動く牛肉。
#3.羽が二羽あるのに飛べず、脚が二本あるのに歩けず、目が二つ付いているのに見えないという鳥は何か? 死んだ鳥。

 5807. We have something else in mind 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky joked about the fearful Wagner warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin being apparently killed in a plane crash near Moscow while denying Kyiv's involvement. Zelensky said, “First of all, we had nothing to do with this incident. Everybody realizes who has something to do with it.” - suggesting that Vladimir Putin, whose authority was dented by Prigozhin's attempt at a mutiny in June, was behind the deadly crash. “If we ask Western countries for help with planes, we have something else in mind – supplying war planes to fight against Russia, not exploding a private jet plane. But this would help Ukraine's war effort against Russia.

5807. 別のことを考える


 5808. New Mexico

5808. ニューメキシコ州


 5809. Blow his own trumpet

North Korea’s supreme leader Kim Jong Un has been awarded the highest rank in the country’s military. The decision was praised by everyone from Parliamentary leader Kim Jong Un to opposition leader Kim Jong Un.

5809. 自画自賛する


 5810. 3 reasons Jesus was an Irish

1. He went out drinking with his buddies the night before he died.
2. He thought his mother was a virgin.
3. His mother thought he was God.

5810. イエスキリストがアイルランド人であるという三つの理由


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