5836. Bad conductor
Kim Jong Un ordered a well-known North Korean composer Gwak Gong to compose a symphony to praise the Great Leader. Gwak had many months to find people to play the instruments and to write the requested piece. Once it was performed on stage, it sounded terrible. The music was complete nonsense and Gwak couldn’t conduct, because the players weren’t synchronized. That night the composer was set to be executed. Before Gwak was put in the electric chair, he asked for extremely spicy curry. After eating the last supper, the executor shocked Gwak, but nothing happened. Kim Jong Un saw this unbelievable scene and he allowed Gwak to have a second chance. Once again, the composer was given many months to prepare another piece and then came the time to perform. Like the first time, the entire orchestra was in disarray with some people even droping their instruments. The composer was to be executed that night. Again, before he was shocked, Gwak asked for another curry. His wish was granted and after he finished, he was shocked. Again, he didn't die! Kim Jong Un was so surprised and allowed him to have another chance. Once again, the Gwak was given time to gather more people to play and to write another symphony. On the day of the performance, the same thing happened. Nothing went right in the performance. It was even worse than the previous ones. Kim Jong Un was so furious that Gwak was put in the electric chair. Again, he asked for another curry, the spiciest in the world. Kim Jong Un refused his request, and lead on with the execution. The dictator wanted to press the button by himself to lead to the composer ‘s death. After the button was pressed, nothing happened, Kim Jong Un pressed it once more, but there sat the composer, without even a convulsion fit. Too shocked, Kim Jong un stammered "H-h-how?" The composer looked at him and grinned, saying "The curry didn't have anything to do with it. I'm just a bad conductor."
5836. 悪い指揮者
●この長いジョークの最後のオチはconductor(指揮者/伝導体)の言葉遊びでした。(笑) |