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 5841. Belgorod

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky this weekend dismissed suggestions that Kyiv might surrender certain territories to Russia in exchange for future NATO membership. He joked, "We are ready to exchange Belgorod for our membership in NATO, but instead, Ukraine are willing to give up control of a Russian border region repeatedly attacked by Kyiv-aligned forces. They might temporarily occupy Belgorod and force large-scale evacuations.”  

5841. ベルゴロド


●Belgorodはウクライナとロシアとの国境線からの距離は約30 kmにあるロシアの都市。2022年4月1日早朝、市内の燃料貯蔵施設で大規模な爆発・火災が発生した。火事の発生を受けて、Belgorod州知事はウクライナ側の攻撃のせいだと主張した。また2023年6月9日、市内のオフィスビルに小型ドローンが落下する事件も発生しているので、ウクライナは国境に近いBelgorodを攻撃しているものと見られる。それを考えるとこのゼレンスキー大統領のブラックジョークが理解出来る。

 5842. Helpful woman

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign was becoming disadvantageous and she really needed getting help from her daughter Chelsea Clinton. Chelsea turned out to be outstandingly helpful among the Bill Clinton’s Other Women department.

5842. 役に立つ女性


 5843. Norwegian border

Two Swedish police officers are patrolling the Norwegian border. It’s Friday afternoon and they’re in a good mood. They’re talking about how much they look forward to going home to their wives for a nice meal and some fun in bed. But suddenly they see a man who has hanged himself from a tree. The first officer goes, “Damn it! Now we have to write a report and wait for the transport. We won’t be home until late!” The second one says, “I have an idea. The Norwegian border is right over there. If we hang him from a tree on the Norwegian side it will be their problem and we’ll still be home on time.” So the two officers take down the hanged man from the tree, carry him across the border, and find a tree there to hang him from. They go home to their wives. After a while two Norwegian police officers walk by and notice the hanged man. One of them says to the other. “What the hell! He’s back again!”

5843. ノルウエー国境


 5844. Jewish Bra

A young Jewish man walked into the Lingerie Department of Macy's in New York. He told the saleslady, "I would like a Jewish bra for my wife size 34 B." With a quizzical look the saleslady asked, "What kind of bra?" He repeated, "A Jewish bra. My wife told me that the saleslady would know what she wanted." "Ah, now I remember," said the saleslady. "We don't get as many requests for them as we used to. Most of our customers lately want the Catholic bra, or the Salvation Army bra, or the Presbyterian bra." Confused, and a little flustered, the man asked her, "So, what are the differences?" The saleslady responded. "It is all really quite simple. The Catholic bra supports the masses, the Salvation Army lifts up the fallen, and the Presbyterian bra keeps them staunch and upright." He mused on that information for a while and asked, "Hmm…interesting. But what does the Jewish bra do?" "Ah, the Jewish bra," she replied "makes mountains out of molehills.

5844. ユダヤ式ブラジャー


●Mass(多量の、カトリック教会のミサ)、Salvation(救うこと=救世軍)、Staunch and upright(断固と上向きで=嘘偽りなく告白する:長老教会派)と、それぞれの教派の特徴を織り込み、最後のユダヤ式ブラジャーは「モグラ塚を山の様に見せる」(誇張する)と、して口八丁手八丁のユダヤ人の特徴を織り込んでいます。

 5845. Japan is totally stupid

Kim Jong Un said, “You know, we all make mistakes, but Japan is totally stupid. It will be the only country in the world that will be bombed by nukes more than two times.




 5846. Bungee jumping

A Frenchman travels to Morocco and decides to go bungee jumping off the top of mosques. As he bounces back into the air, all of the passers-by in Morocco are in awe and one Moroccan passerby decides that he wants to try it himself. He finds the Frenchman at a nearby cafe and sits down and remarks, “Wow, that looked really fun! Can you tell me about your stunts?” “Yeah, of course!” the Frenchman replies. “It’s called bungee jumping. All you need is 10 meters of sturdy rope and you jump off the top of a mosque.” The Moroccan is delighted to know that he doesn’t need any qualifications and goes to buy some a sturdy rope from a nearby store. After his purchase, he climbs to the top of a mosque, tethers the rope to a secure fastener and jumps off. But instead of bouncing up and down, he hits the ground directly at full speed and dies instantly. The Moroccan police launch an investigation and detain the Frenchman and the store clerk. The police ask the Frenchman what he taught the Moroccan and the Frenchman says that he was precise in his measurements and doesn’t know how he could have died. “I swear, I told him to get only 10 meters of rope!” he exclaims. “Oh, shit!” the clerk suddenly exclaims. “He did ask me for 8 meters of rope, but because I know his cousins, I gave him 5 extra meters for free!”

5846. バンジージャンプ



 5847. Starlin and Churchill on the phone

Stalin is talking to Churchill on the phone. “No... No... No... No... Yes... No... No...” Stalin hangs up. His secretary asks, "Comrade Stalin, what is that you agreed with Churchill on?" Stalin replies, "He asked me if I can hear him."

5847. スターリンとチャーチルとの電話会話

チャーチルと電話で会話中のスターリンが、“No... No... No... No... Yes... No... No...”と言って、ガチャリと電話を切った。彼の秘書が「同志スターリン、チャーチルと何については同意されたのですか?」と尋ねると、スターリンが答えた。「奴が電話は聞こえているか?って聞いた時に、ああと答えただけさ」

 5848. Collective farm

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko visited a collective farm in the Minsk suburb to check the potato harvest. "Comrade farmer, how has the harvest been this year?" "Oh, by the grace of God, we have had mountains of potatoes,” replied the farmer. "Comrade, there is no God in our country. You should have said “by the grace of the Party.” Lukashenko corrected. “Huh!" the farmer scoffed, "And there are no mountains of potatoes, either"

5848. 集団農場


 5849. Cheat

A liar, a cheat, and a bigot walked into a bar. He said to the bartender, "Let's make America great again!" The bartender looked dubiously at him and said, “Are you sure you’re running for presidential race again?”

5849. ペテン師



5850. UFO

A man was out on a walk on a brisk night when he looked up to the stars and saw a flying saucer. He couldn’t believe his eyes. A real flying saucer! He wasn’t sure if he should be afraid or excited so he found himself asking, “Are you a friend… or are UFO? (you foe?)”

5850. UFO(Unidentified Flying Object未確認飛行物体)


●Are UFO?=Are you Foe?の洒落です。

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