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Jokes:5851- 5860

 5851. Best magic trick

What is the dictator’s best magic trick? He makes people who denounce him disappear instantly.

5851. 最高の手品


5852. Nuke test

Kim Jung Un called Xi Jinping at 3:30 in the morning.
Xi: Why are you calling at this time?
Kim: I am going to test a nuke.
Xi: Okay, when are you going to do this?
Kim: 10.
Xi: 10 what? In 10 months? 10 weeks? 10 days?
Kim: 9, 8, 7...

5852. 核実験

習:10? 10か月後?10週間後?10日後か?

 5853. Panda jokes

1)Panda-moan-im: Pandas have finally started breeding together in a zoo. According to staffers, the place just suddenly erupted into panda-moan-ium.
2)Spelling :To spell Panda, all you need is P and A.
3)Opposite of a redneck: Why is a panda the opposite of a redneck? Because he’s a vegetarian and never drinks beer and whiskey. He has never, ever taken part in an orgy party.

5853. パンダジョーク

1))パンダが気持ちよがる場所: 動物園の2匹のパンダが、ようやくその気になってつがい行為を始めた。担当スタッフの言によれば「今やパンダの巣はパンダが気持ちよがる場所となったようだ」
2)綴り: パンダ(PANDA)と綴るのは「PとA」だけで良い。
●確かに「PとA」(=P AND A)でPandaとなりますね。
3)パンダは無学無知の田舎者とは正反対だ: 何故パンダは無学無知の田舎者とは正反対と言われるのでしょうか?パンダは菜食主義者で、ビールやウイスキーを飲まないし、乱交パーティに参加するなぞ考えられもしない。

 5854. Dementia 痴呆症になると


 5855 Winnie The Pooh

When Xi Jinping was a young student, he visited Iowa and slept one night in a faemer’s house there. After many many year later, the husband of this farm was watching the TV news and saw an article about Xi Jinping. He was very surprised and said to his wife: 'Hey, do you remember that Chinese guy who stayed at our house, a long, long time ago?” The wife replied. “Oh, yes. I do remember, why are you asking?” The husband said:”'He has become Winnie The Pooh and ruled the Communist China!”



 5856. Lie Detector Robot

A man buys a lie detector robot that slaps people who lie. He decides to try it out at dinner.
Dad: Son, what did you do today during school hours?
Son: I learned many things from my class teacher.
*The robot slaps the son.
Son: OK!OK, I played truant from school and I was at my friend’s house watching a DVD.
Dad: What kind of DVD is it?
Son: Kung Fu Panda
*The robot slaps the son again.
Son: Ok! OK! It was an erotic movie.
Dad: What!? When I was at your age, I didn't even know what an erotic movie was.
*The robot slaps the dad.
Mom: HAHAHAHA. He is your son after all!
*The robot slaps the mom.

5856. 嘘発見ロボット



 5857. The longer, the better?

5857. 長けりゃ長い程良いってか?

 5858. Kangaroo jokes

1)Pouch potato What does a lazy baby kangaroo eat? A pouch potato.
2)Godzilla What do you get if you cross Godzilla with a kangaroo? Big holes all over Australia.
3) The Empire State Building Can a kangaroo jump higher than Empire State Building? Of course! The Empire State Building can’t jump.

5858. カンガルージョーク

1) お腹の袋ポテト 怠け者の赤ん坊カンガルーが食べるものは? パウチ・ポテト
●怠け者がTVの前に寝っ転がって食べるのがcouch potato(ポテトチップ)なので、pouch(母カンガルーのお腹の袋)に引っ掛けています。
2)ゴジラ ゴジラとカンガルーを掛け合わせると、どうなりますか?オーストラリア中に(ジャンプで出来た)大きな穴が空きます。
3)エンパイアステートビルディング カンガルーはエンパイアステートビルディングより高くジャンプ出来ますか?勿論です。だってエンパイアステートビルディングは、ジャンプすることが出来ないじゃないですか。

5859. Scottish blood

An Arab Sheik was admitted to the hospital for heart surgery. But prior to the surgery, the doctors needed to store some blood in case a need arose. As the Sheik had a rare type of blood, it couldn't be found locally. So the doctors called internationally and finally one Scotsman was located who had a similar blood type. The Scot willingly donated his blood for the Arab. After the surgery, the Arab sent the Scotsman as appreciation for giving his blood, a new BMW car, diamonds and a big amount of U.S. dollar bills. A couple of days later, the Arab had to go through a corrective surgery for the sake of future trouble. His doctor called the Scotsman who was more than happy to donate his blood again. After the second surgery, the Arab sent the Scotsman a thank-you card and a box of chocolates. The Scotsman was shocked that the Arab did not reciprocate his kind offer as he had anticipated. He phoned the Arab and asked him: "I thought you would be generous again, but you only gave me a thank-you card & a box of chocolates. Why?" To this the Arab replied: "Aye my friend, Scottish blood is running in my and arteries and veins now."




 5860. Putin’s height

Here is a picture; What Putin wants to look like and what Putin actually looks like. Another Putin’s picture shows he is standking beside Yasuhiro Yamashita, the famous Japanese Judo champion with no shoes. Putin seems to be stretching out a bit, but the computer analyzes his height is 167cm compared to Yamashita, 180cm.



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