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 5911. Survive 11 US Presidents

Cuban leader Fidel Castro survived 11 US Presidents – namely, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Walker Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Barack Obama. But he could only live 17 days with Donald Trump. Trump won the Presidential election on November 8, 2016 and Castro breathed his last on November 25, 2016.

5911. 11人のアメリカ大統領と渡り合う


5912. Shark teaching  

A mother shark is teaching her young son how to eat a human. "First, you go straight at him and circle him. You go straight at him again and circle him again. Finally, you go straight at him and eat him." "But, mom, why can't I just eat him at the first time?" "I suppose you can, but why would you want to eat them with all the shit still inside?"

5912. 鮫の教え



5913. Der Sturmer  

Rabbi Altmann and his secretary Epstein were sitting in a coffee house in Berlin in 1935. "Rabbi Altmann," said his secretary, "I notice you're reading Der Stürmer! I can't understand why you’re reading such anti-Jewish newspaper. Are you some kind of masochist, or, a self-hating Jew?" "On the contrary, Epstein. When I read the Jewish papers, all I learn about are pogroms, riots in Palestine, and assimilation in America. But when I read Der Stürmer, I see so much more. We Jews control all the banks and dominate industries in Germany. We're on the verge of taking over the entire German economy and that is the reason why Nazi has been persecuting us. It makes me feel a lot better!"

5913. シュテルマー紙(ナチス政権下での反ユダヤ主義を旗印とした新聞)


5914. Comedian  

5914. コメディアン


5915. Homosexual jokes  

Q1: What’s the difference between a hobo and a homo? A1: A hobo doesn’t have any friends, but a homo has friends up the butt.
Q2: What do you call a gay boxer? A2: Fruit Punch!
Q3: Did you hear about a homosexual vegetarian? A3: He still eats meat.
Q4: What is the most favorite planet for fagots? A4: UrAnus.
Q5: How do homosexual couples live every day? A5: ToGAYther.

5915. ホモセクシュアルジョーク

Q1:ホームレス(hobo)とホモ(homo)の違いは? A1:ホームレスは友達が誰もいないが、ホモは沢山の(up the butt)の友達がいる。●Up the buttはアメリカ俗語で“大量に”という意味だが、文字通り読めば“お尻の上”なのでホモにつながる点がミソ。
Q2:ゲイのボクシング選手を何と呼ぶか? A2:フルーツ・パンチ。●Fruitは果物だが、ホモを婉曲に言う言葉。
Q3:ホモの菜食主義者の話を聞きましたか? A3:彼は未だに肉(meat)を食べているそうです。●Meatは俗語で男性器。
Q4:オカマが好きな惑星とは? A4:天王星(Uranus)。 Uranusの後ろ4文字はAnus(肛門)。
Q5:ホモのカップルは毎日どうやって暮らしているか? A5:いつも一緒。●TogetherをtoGATHERと一文字替えて。

5916. Overcrowded bus  

One man was trying to board an overcrowded bus, but he was pushed off by the people inside. “There’s not enough room,” “It’s full up!” they shouted at him. “But you must let me on!” he yelled back. Then one guy on the bus said, “Who do you think you are? What is so special about you?”

5916. 満員のバス


5917. Boasting  

Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Mikhail Gorbachev are flying together on a plane. They fly over the Empire State Building and Reagan proudly boasts: "See that? We built that in a month from scratch!" Then they fly over the Buckingham Palace and Thatcher proudly says: "See that? We built it in a week!” When they get to Russia and fly over the Kremlin they both look at Gorbachev. "Strange," he says "This... wasn't here yesterday."

5917. ホラ吹き


5918. Monroe and Einstein  

Marilyn Monroe suggests to Albert Einstein. "If you and I were to marry, our kids would be the smartest and most beautiful in all the world." Einstein: "What if they got my looks and your brain?"

5918. モンローとアインシュタイン


5919. Biblical analysis  

At the United Nation assembly, an Israeli representative said, “I want to start my speech with biblical analysis. A long time ago, Moses led the Jews through the desert. It was so hot that they were thirsty. Moses hit the round with his staff and a lake appeared. They drank water and then took off their clothes and jumped into swimming. When they came out of the water, there were no clothes, because they were all stolen by the Arabs.” The representative of Palestine jumped up and shouted. “Lying! At that time there were no Arabs there!!” The Israeli grinned and said, “See? That is what I want to say in my speech.”

5919. 聖書分析


5920. Bill Clinton jokes

#1.What's the difference between Bill Clinton and a screwdriver? One turns in screws, one screws interns.
#2. Most people get AIDS from sex, but Bill Clinton got sex from aides.
#3.Why does Bill Clinton play the saxophone? Because he lost his whoremonica.

5920. ビル・クリントンジョーク

#1.ビル・クリントンとねじ回しの違いは何か? ねじ回しはネジの中に入る(turn in screws)が、クリントンはインターン(見習い職員)達とセックスした。(screw interns)

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