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 5951. Struggle with zippers

Shohei Ohtani seemingly can do it all on the baseball field. He can hit ridiculous home runs to all different parts of the park, no matter where a pitch is thrown. He also can throw pitches with so much movement that make professional hitters look silly trying to make any type of contact with them. By now, it’s difficult to think of anything Ohtani can’t do. Well, on Monday we finally saw him struggle with something a lot of us have probably struggled with in the past—putting on a jacket. This poor guy got to first base at Fenway Park on Monday and put on a jacket because he was pitching in the game, and this happened. Finally, the coolest man in baseball showed us that he’s not perfect. MLB fans loved it.

5951. ジッパーに手こずる


 5952. Putin, the dictator

#1. How do the opponents of Putin, the Dictator, commit suicide? Two bullets to the back of the head.
#2. When will Putin resign as president? After his coronation of the Czar.
#3. What is another difference between Vladimir Putin and Adolf Hitler? Putin no longer supplies gas while Hitler gave it free for the Jewish people.

5952. 独裁者プーチン


 5953. Mortal frenemies

Britain and France are forever mortal frenemies. The rivalry goes back over 1000 years. One of the biggest problems has always been ‘the Channel’. Is it the British channel or the French channel? Rishi Sunak met Emmanuel Macron to discuss this issue. Macron proposed a cat race across the channel and Sunak accepted it. The countries found each best cat and named them after the countries respective number system. The British cat was named ‘One two three four’ and the French cat named ‘Un deux trois quatre.’ The race was on! Both cats started in Dover and they began swimming toward Normandy, paddling as fast as their little paws could take them. As mist fell over the channel, Macron and Sunak eagerly awaited in Normandy. Only one cat made it! The survived one was ‘One two three four.’ Britain won! But what happened to the French one? Sadly, it never was heard from again. It turns out the ‘Un deux trois quatre’ cinq. (sank)

5953. 永遠の宿敵

イギリスとフランスは永遠の宿敵として、1000年以上に渡り角を突き合わせてきた。いつも頭痛のタネになって来たのは両国を隔てる海峡の名称問題である。これは英国海峡なのか、フランス海峡なのか?リシ・スナク英首相はエマニュエル・マクロンフランス大統領と会ってこの問題を話し合い、マクロンが猫に海峡を泳がせて決めようと提案し、スナクもこれを了承した。両国はそれぞれ最高の泳ぎ手の猫を探して、それぞれの数字の読み方に従って英国の猫は”1234(One two three four)”、フランスの猫は”1234(Un deux trois quatre)”と命名された。水泳競争開始!二匹の猫はそれぞれの小さな両足を全力で動かしながらイギリスのドーバーからフランスのノルマンディを目指して、泳ぎ始めた。濃い霧が海峡を覆う中マクロンとスナクはノルマンディで、猫が来るのは今か今かと待ちわびていた。一匹の猫だけが泳ぎ着いた。陸に上がったのは”1234(One two three four)”だった。英国の勝利!しかしフランスの猫は何処に行ったのだろう?気の毒にフランス猫の消息はプッツリ切れてしまった。やがて”1234(Un deux trois quatre)”は途中でcinq(5)=sank(沈んでしまった)ことが判明した。

 5954. He said? Xi (She) said?

Years ago, Nobel peace prize winner Liu Xiaobo died in custody for criticizing Xi Jinping regime. Xi Jinping denied any connection to the Liu’s incident. Chinese people talk in whispers ,”It’s a matter of ‘He’ said, ‘Xi’ said.”

5954. 彼が言ったのか?彼女が言ったのか?



 5955. 72 virgins? 72-year-old virgin?

An Islamic terrorist killed Jewish citizens in Tel Aviv by suicide attack and ascended to the paradise. He was greeted by Allah and an elderly lady who immediately wrapped her frail arms round the terrorist and removed her false teeth and gave him a huge sloppy kiss. Confused, the terrorist said, "Allah, I'm sorry to question your benevolence, but I thought there would be 72 virgins awaiting my arrival." Allah replied, "This is widely misunderstood, my child. You've done us proud. Now enjoy the rest of eternity with this 72-year-old virgin."

5955. 72人の処女か、72歳の処女か?


 5956. Jokes about his age

U.S. President Joe Biden (81) has been cracking jokes about his age more often than usual. Already the oldest president in American history, he embraced the self-deprecating humor approach at a fund-raising party, in a speech about abortion rights, or even re-election campaigns. Biden joked at an event on gun violence. “I know I look like I’m only still 29, but I’m a little under 103.” Biden said at an event in California, drawing laughter from the crowd. “But I’ve been around a long, long time. Thank you, a lot of you have been helping me for a long, long time.” His former official said. “Joking about his age allows him to own the advantages of experience - trying to imply the connection of age with wisdom. It also defuses any doubts about his physical fitness through humor.”

5956. 自分の年齢に関するジョーク


 5957. Tiger Woods on a golf tour in Ireland

On a golf tour in Ireland, Tiger Woods drives his Mercedes into a petrol station in a remote part of the Irish countryside. The attendant who knows absolutely nothing about golf, greets him, unaware of who this famous golfing pro is. "Good morning, sir" says the attendant in a typical Irish manner. “Hello,” Tiger nods and bends forward and two tees fall out of his shirt pocket onto the ground. "What are those?”, asks the attendant. "They're called tees" replies Tiger. "For God sake, what are they for?"? inquires the Irishman. "They're for resting my balls on when I'm driving", replies Tiger. "Jesus!", says the attendant, "Mercedes think of everything!"

5957. タイガー・ウッズがゴルフツアーでアイルランドにやって来た



 5958. Anti-Semitic propaganda paper

Two Israelis are sitting at a cafe in Tel Aviv and reading newspapers. Eathan is reading a reputed newspaper published in Tel Aviv, but Samuel is reading an anti-Semitic propaganda paper published by Islamic dissidents. Eathan asked Samuel "Why in God's name are you reading that anti-Semitic paper?" Samuel responded, "Well, I used to read good newspapers like you, but the news was making me more and more worried. Now that I've started reading this one funded by Iran, I've started being happier and happier every day." Surprised Eathan asked Samuel "How?" Samuel explained, "Well, according to this paper, we own most big banks in the world, we hoard the world's gold, we control every government in the world through our skullduggery. There is a Jewish conspiracy to make the entire world the Zionist society. Tell me, what more do I need to make myself happy?"

5958. 反ユダヤ人宣伝紙


 5959. Volodymyr Zelensky Analects

#1. History is unfair. We are not the ones who have started this war. But we are the ones who have to finish it.
#2. Light will win over darkness.
#3. Ukraine and Israel have long-standing historical ties. Our nations have together experienced all the tragedies in recent history - the Holodomor(*) and the Holocaust, the Second World War, and the totalitarian Soviet regime.

5959. ゼレンスキー語録


(*)ホロドモール(Holodomor)とは、1932〜1933年 にかけてウクライナ人が住んでいた地域で起きた人為的な大飢饉である。 当時のウクライナは、スターリンが最高指導者を務める旧ソ連の統治下にあった。ウクライナ語で飢饉を意味する「ホロド」と、疫病や苦死を表す「モール」を合わせて「ホロドモール」と呼ばれている。

 5960. No longer interrupt your sleep

In 2018, Kim Jong Un joked at a summit with South Korean President Moon Jae-in that he would no longer interrupt Moon's early-morning sleep with missile tests. North Korea launched at least 23 short-to-medium-range missiles and intercontinental ballistic missiles last year; one of them flew over Japan. The country is said to have tested a hydrogen bomb in September. Kim last week pledged to stop nuclear and missile tests and the use of a nuclear test site, though experts have speculated that it could mean North Korea has developed its nuclear weapons to the point that it no longer needs to test them.

5960. あなたの眠りを妨げません


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