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 6021. I will be coatless on tomorrow’s inauguration day

William Henry Harrison served as the 9th president of the United States. He took the oath of office on March 4, 1841. On a cold, wet day, he refused to wear an overcoat or a hat when he delivered the longest inaugural address -nearly 2 hours(!)- in American history. Harrison died of pneumonia just thirty-one days later and had the shortest presidency in U.S. history. The day before the inauguration day he said; “On tomorrow’s inauguration day, I will ascend the Capitol steps, raise my right hand for the oath of office, and rise to the challenge we face in our great country. I will keep the promises made during the campaign. I promise I will be coatless on tomorrow’s inauguration day.” There's no fool like an old fool.

6021. 明日の大統領就任式ではコートを着ません


 6022. Staggering

It's a 5 minutes’ walk from my house to the pub. It's a 35 minutes’ walk from the pub to my house. The difference is staggering.

6022. 驚くほどだ

私の家からパブ迄は歩いて5分の距離だが、パブから家までは歩くと35分かかる。その違いは驚くほど(staggering)だ。 ●Staggeringの元々の意味は“酔っ払ってよろめく”なので。

 6023. Six characters in common (Kaz’s Original Joke)

Russian President Vladimir Putin won a landslide victory on stage-managed presidential election on Sunday, March 17, 2024. Putin has reworked the constitution in 2020 to let him stay in the Kremlin until 2036, when he will be 83(!) Is he a President or an Emperor? By the way, what do Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un have in common? They share 6 characters in common. Namely,

A: Army Commander
B: Betrayal
C: Censorship
D: Dictatorship
E: Egotism
F: Foci of evil in the world

6023. 共通する6つの気質 (管理人自作ジョークです)


A: Army Commander(軍隊総司令官)
B: Betrayal(裏切り行為)
C: Censorship(検閲体制)
D: Dictatorship(独裁者)
E: Egotism(利己主義)
F: Foci of evil in the world(世界の悪の中心点)

プーチン  習近平 金正恩

 6024. Don’t hop on!

What did the train conductor say to the kangaroo? “Don’t hop on! Buy a ticket!”

6024. ただ乗りするな!


●Hop onは(1)ピョンと飛び乗る、(2)ただ乗りするという二つの意味があり、飛び跳ねるカンガルーが、列車に無賃乗車するという想定が笑えます。

 6025. Interpreter? Intermingler? (Kaz’s original joke)

The Los Angels Dodgers fired Ippei Mizuhara, Shohei Ohtani's long-term interpreter, after allegations of theft to pay off his own gambling debts. Berk Brettler, one of the attorneys representing Ohtani said, “We discovered that Shohei has been the victim of a massive theft and we are turning the matter over to the authorities." The Los Angels Times reported that the sum of Mizuhara’s stealing from Ohtani’s account was totaled at least $4.5 million(680 million Yen). In a pair of ESPN interviews conducted before and after news of the interpreter's firing emerged, Mizuhara initially admitted he was gamble-addicted and said Ohtani agreed to pay off his debts and that he'd promise to stop. But he declined his comment after Berk Brettler's statement framing Ohtani as a theft victim. We think Mizuhara is an interpreter of Ohtani, but he is an intermingler of Ohtani’s money with his own gambling.

6025. 通訳?公私混同者? (管理人創作ジョーク)


 6026. Putin threatens the West: Russia is ready for nuclear war

Vladimir Putin told the West on March 13, 2024 that Russia was technically ready for nuclear war and that if the U.S. sent troops to Ukraine, it would be considered a significant escalation of the conflict. Putin, speaking ahead of a March 15-17 election which is certain to give him another six years in power, added “The nuclear war scenario was not rushing, but from a military-technical point of view, we are, of course, ready." Moscow claims to have annexed four regions of Ukraine and says they are now fully part of Russia. The proverb says “Ill weeds grow apace,” but Putin should realize that blood will have blood.

6026. プーチン西側諸国にロシアは核戦争の覚悟ありと脅す


6027. Say hello 16 times

What sea creatures say hello 16 times? Two octopuses shaking hands.

6027. 「こんにちは」を16回も言う


 6028. Aftershave

Donald Trump and Joe Biden were in the same barber shop, each being worked on by a different barber. Not a single word was spoken. The barbers were even afraid to start a conversation for fear that it would turn into politics. As the barbers finished their shaves, the one who had Trump in his chair reached for the aftershave. Trump was quick to stop him saying "No way buddy! My wife will smell that and think I've been in a whorehouse." The second barber turned to Biden and said "How about you, Sir?" Biden replied, "Go ahead. My wife doesn't know what the inside of a whorehouse smells like.”

6028. アフターシェーブローション



 6029. How could we be a Nazi?

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday (February 23, 2022) declared war on Ukraine and pledged to oversee a “demilitarization and de-Nazification” of the country which is led by a Jewish president. Hours before Putin’s televised address, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had delivered his own final, powerful but ultimately fruitless plea for peace, in which he pushed back at Putin’s unfounded accusations that Ukraine was being run by Nazis. Addressing the Russian public directly in Russian, Zelensky said, “The Ukraine on your news and Ukraine in real life are two completely different countries. The main difference between them is - Ours is real and yours is wrong. You told we are Nazis, but could people who lost more than 8 million lives in the battle against Nazism support Nazism?” (True Story)

6029. 我々がナチスだなんてあり得ない


 6030. Redneck motel

Q: How can you tell that you are staying in a redneck motel?
A: When you call reception and say "I've got a leak in my sink" and they reply with "sure, go ahead".




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