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 6031. Japanese Diet Committee

6031. 日本の国会審議会

我々は管理(oversight)審議会のメンバーだが、調査事項に関しては、なぁなぁの見落とし (overlooking)感覚で対応しようではないか。


 6032. Fart jokes

#1. What do you describe a fart biologically? It is a passing signal of stool from the intestines. Or simply pre-notification from the intestines
#2. What’s the ideal weight of a fart? Zero gram. If it’s anything more, you’re in deep trouble.
#3. Farts are like children. You don’t mind your own, but you can’t stand other people’s.

6032. オナラジョー+++ク


6033. Sign language

During the 1980’s, many college students from Eastern Bloc countries - Poland, Hungary, and Romania - met each other at a summer camp in Sochi, Russia’s resort city along the Black Sea. Sitting around the campfire after supper, these young people tried their best to communicate with each other. As Polish, Hungarian, and Romanian are totally not related, they ultimately had to resort to some kind of sign language. Then one dude stood up and said, “Hey, we all learned Russian in high school. Why don’t we try speaking in Russian?” After a brief, thoughtful thinking and pause, everyone returned back to that sign language.




 6034. National Weather service

The Inuit asked their tribe leader in Autumn if the Winter was going to be cold or not. Not really knowing an answer, the leader replied that the Winter was going to be cold. He also told the villagers were to collect wood to be prepared. Being a good leader, he then went to the next phone booth and called the National Weather Service. "Is this winter to be cold?" the tribe leader asked. The man on the phone responded, "This Winter is going to be quite cold indeed." So the leader went back to speed up his people to collect even more wood to be prepared. A week later he called the National Weather Service again, "Is it going to be a very cold winter?" "Yes", the man replied, "it's going to be a very cold Winter." The leader went back to his people and ordered them to go and find every scrap of wood they could find. Two weeks later he called the National Weather Service again. "Are you absolutely sure that the Winter is going to be very cold?" "Absolutely," the man replied, "because the Eskimos are collecting wood like crazy!"

6034. 全国気象サービス協会


6035. Trump? Al Capone?

Former U.S. President Donald Trump joked that he has been indicted more than famed mafia gangster Al Capone. “When they indicted me and then again and again and again. Now I'm setting records. Al Capone was not indicted so much." Trump said while speaking at a California Republicans convention in Anaheim on September 29, 2023. Trump has been indicted four times and faces 91 criminal charges across the cases, making him the first president to be indicted in the US. Al Capone was a legendary gang boss who faced various charges being brought against him throughout his criminal career. He was notoriously successful at dodging prosecutions until a tax evasion conviction in 1931 that led to him being sentenced to 11 years in a federal prison in San Fransico.

6035. トランプ?それともアルカポネ?


 6036. King Charles Cracks an Unexpected Joke on His Coronation

In a 90-minute BBC TV film, Charles, 75, managed to show off his sense of humor. He was seen walking down a corridor in Buckingham Palace on the morning of his May 6 coronation supported by his page boys, including grandson Prince George, 10. As he approached his close aide, Charles flapped his coronation robes and told his equerry in a silly voice, "I can fly!"

6036. チャールズ国王、戴冠式で予期せぬジョークを言う


 6037. The more you're dithering, the more trouble you'll have

Thousands of demonstrators have gathered outside Israeli government buildings in Jerusalem and protesters are calling on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign, demanding new elections. The anger at the government's handling of the 134 Israeli hostages still held by the Islamist movement Hamas in Gaza has grown. Netanyahu has repeatedly ruled out early elections, which opinion polls suggest he would lose, saying that to go to the polls in the middle of a war would only reward Hamas. Mr. Netanyahu, the proverb says, “The more you're dithering, the more trouble you'll have.” The sooner, the better, if you start talking with the Hamas.

6037. 周章狼狽つまづきのもと


 6038. At an ISIS recruitment center

Interviewer: Name?
Recruit: Saad Bin Hasrat.
Interviewer: Sex?
Recruit: Usually twice a day.
Interviewer: No, no. Male or female?
Recruit: Male, female, sometimes camel, mostly sheep.

6038. ISIS(過激イスラム組織イスラム国)隊員応募センター

志願者:サード・ビン ハスラットです。


Mohammed Al Shalloudi, a 21-year-old data analyst in the United Arab Emirates invested in Donald Trump's social media company. He bought shares in Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG), but not because he believes in the business of its Application program “Truth Social” or because he is a Trump fan. He is seeking a quick lucrative trade whose bets on TMTG have made it one of the most overvalued and actively traded U.S. stocks. He bought at $37 per share and cashed out at $65 per share, clinching a 76% return on his $4,000 investment in just a few days. TMTG's stock closed on Monday at $48.66 after listing on Nasdaq last week. “It was a no-brainer. You buy the stock, wait for Trump's fan base to hear about it, and enjoy your profit,” Al Shalloudi said. On the other hand, Sarah, a 21-year-old software developer from Pennsylvania, said “I invested $10,000 last Tuesday because MAGA is crazy and they will pump the stock.” MAGA stands for Trump's campaign slogan, 'Make America Great Again' and it is used to notice TMTG stock's volatility to speculators. The shares have risen as much as fivefold in the last two months. A bout of this volatility came on Monday, as the stock lost more than a fifth of its value. Sarah was so shocked and said with a chagrined face, “Trump-and-dump.”

6039. トランプ株がゴミ株に

UAE(アラブ首長国連邦)でデータ分析の仕事をするモハッメッド・アル・シャロウディ(21)は、ドナルド・トランプのインターネット利用運営会社に投資した。彼がトランプ・メディア・テクノロジー・グループ(TMTG)という名のその会社に投資したのは、そこが運営する“TRUTH Social”というネットワークサービスシステムを評価したからではないし、トランプのファンだったからという訳でもない。彼はアッと言う間にあぶく銭を稼ぎたかったからで、アメリカ株式市場で過大評価されつつ実際に取引されているTMTGの株に賭けただけである。彼は1株37ドルで購入し、65ドルで売却して現金化した。彼は4000ドル投資したが、わずか数日も経たずに実に76%の儲けを出したことになる。【(65-37)÷37=75.67%】 TMTGの株価は先週ナスダック市場に上場してから昇り続けたが月曜日には48.66ドルに下がった。アル・シャロウディは「頭を使う必要はなかったさ。ここの株を買ってトランプのファンがそれを聞いて、提灯買いして株価が上がるのを待つだけだったからね」と語った。ところがペンシルベニア州でソフトウエア開発を仕事とするサラ(21)は、こう告白する。「私は先週火曜日に1万ドルをTMTGに投資したわ。だってMAGAは信じられない勢いで株価を上げていったからよ」 MAGAとはトランプがキャンペーンに使う “アメリカを再び偉大な国へ(Make America Great Again)”を文字って、TMTGが投資家に対してこの株式は乱高上下することに注意を促すメッセージのことである。TMTGの株価この2ヵ月で5倍になったが、急激な揺れ戻しが今週月曜日に来た。一気にそれまでの1/5の価格に下がってしまったのである。サラは大きなショックを受け、悔しそうな表情を露わにしながら「トランプ株を買ったらゴミ株になってしまったわ」(Trump-and-Dump”)と述べた。

 6040. Malaysian Comedian Uncle Roger banned

The Malaysian comedian Nigel Ng, better known as Uncle Roger, had his audience in stitches as he mocked China. “China, OK, China. Good country. Good country” Uncle Roger started, sarcastically making a worried face as the audience roared with laughter. “Phew, we have to say that now,” Ng added. “All the phone listening. Correct? I’ve got a Huawei cell phone. They all listening. Right?” “Long live President Xi, long live President Xi,” Uncle John joked, tapping his pocket. “Uncle Roger’s social credit score going up. Dear Chinese Communist Party, Uncle Roger is a good comrade. Don’t make him disappear please.” The crowd burst into laughter. But Beijing wasn't laughing and Uncle Roger has been banned from China’s social media platform Weibo and his homepage was placed “under suspension.”

6040. マレーシアのコメディアン アンクル・ロジャーは締め出された


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