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 6051. Gag order

Donald Trump set foot in a New York courthouse on Monday and become the first former US president to stand trial in a criminal case. Trump has made several unsuccessful attempts to delay the jury trial for his hush-money scandals, but his fiery remarks about the case, which he has repeatedly described as politically motivated, led the judge to impose a gag order which bans him from making public comments about people related to the case. Trump has tried to playact the court trial as a gag, but the judge ordered Trump a gag order.

6051. 緘口令

月曜日ドナルド・トランプはニューヨークの裁判所に足を踏み入れたが、彼は元大統領としては史上初めての刑事犯罪容疑者として裁判を受けることになった。トランプは彼のスキャンダルもみ消し金支払いに関する裁判開廷を遅らせようと様々な試みを企てたが上手く行かず、逆に彼が政治的目的のために繰り返す大袈裟な主張を黙らせるために、裁判官は彼に緘口令を命じる結果となった。この緘口令によりトランプはこの裁判に関係する全ての人間に対して、公の前で喋ることが出来なくなってしまった。トランプはこの裁判はたわごと(gag)にしか過ぎないと芝居がかって演じてみせたが、結果として裁判官に緘口令(gag order)をくらってしまった。

 6052. Shut your trap or trap you shut

Donald moaned that his freedom of speech was being impinged by the judge for his hush-money scandals trial. The judge said "Mr. Trump, you have two clear options here: Either you shut your trap, or we will trap you shut!"

6052. あなたの罠を閉めるか、あなたを黙らせるように我々が罠を仕掛けるか


 6053. Spook jokes

#1. Spooks, phantoms, and ghouls are discussing their Halloween plans. One ghost said, “I’m entering the costume contest this year. My goal? To be the ‘boo’-est dressed specter in town!”
#2. What’s a ghost’s favorite type of music? Soul music.
#3. What do you call a ghost with a broken leg and eating a lot? A hoblin goblin.

6053. お化けジョーク

#1.お化け(spook)、亡霊(phantom)、悪鬼(ghoul)などがハロウイーンパーティについて話し合っていた。一人のお化け(ghost)が「今年は仮装大会に出る。目標は町で一番“怖―い”(boo-est)妖怪(specter) になることだ」●お化けを表す単語はapparition, spiritなどまだまだあります。
#2.お化けが一番好きな音楽のジャンルは? ソウル ミュージック。●Soulの元々の意味は魂。
#3.足を引きずりながら(hobbling)、ガツガツ食べ物を食べる(gobbling)お化けとは? ホブリン・ゴブリン。●ホブリン・ゴブリン(Hoblin Goblin)は伝説上のヨーロッパの小妖怪。

 6054. Putin is insane

While he was travelling around Europe to shore up the support for Kyiv, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky said in Italy that Russian President Vladimir Putin was ‘insane’ and the peace for him was a ‘joke.’ “Russia started the war. Russia took our lives. The war is on our land. We are a civilized state and we want to get out of this situation, to end the war and to gain peace again. We have not proposed an artificial plan. We have proposed an international law-abide, fair plan. Putin does not understand what is happening. His ‘peace’ is a joke. He is insane. The murderer should be punished.

6054. プーチンは狂人だ


 6055. Putin’s advisors

Vladimir Putin is speaking with his advisors. "I think when the Ukrainian war is over, Russia must become a Kingdom." One of his advisors speaks out, "Only a King may lead a Kingdom." "Then Russia shall become an Empire," Putin replies. Another his advisor speaks out, "Only an Emperor can rule over an Empire." Putin, beginning to lose patience, glares at his advisors "Well, what would you suggest that Russia be?" "In my opinion,” another advisor says, “Russia should remain as a country as it is now. "

6055. プーチンのアドバイザー達



 6056. Insurance agent and crook

A drunk wanders into a hotel lounge where an insurance convention just happens to be taking place. The drunk is hell-bent on causing trouble and he yells, “All insurance agents are crooks!!” A guy runs up straight away to him and says angrily, “Hey! Don’t paint someone with the same brush!” The drunk sneers at him, “Why, are you an agent?” The man replies, “No, I’m a crook. Insurance agents are more heinous!”



 6057. Cryogenically preserved

During the U.S-China summit meeting in 2021, Xi Jinping boasted that China would be the dominant superpower in 50 years while Joe Biden was still confident that the USA would remain uncontested. So they wagered to witness the future world after 50 years. Their terms ended and they reached the end of their mortal coil. They were cryogenically preserved in Switzerland and they woke up in 2071. Strolling down the future streets of Geneva, they come across a news broadcast on a large billboard. “Ha! I knew it! China is a giant now!” Xi says, pointing at the newsreader announcing: “Communist Party USA has won the historic US election.” “Hmm, I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Biden, pointing at the bottom news crawl: *Tensions mount over border skirmishes between Taiwan and India*

6057. 冷凍保存



 6058. Sue me

Donald Trump finds a magic lamp. He rubs it, and a genie comes out.
Genie: I grant you three wishes.
Trump: I'm tired of getting sued for everything I do. I want there to be no more courts.
Genie: Granted. You have no wishes left."
Trump: What the hell? You told me I had three wishes, and I only used one!"
Genie: Sue me.

6058. 訴えたら?


 6059. Jail jokes

#1. Why is Facebook like jail? You have a profile picture, you sit around all day writing on walls, and you get poked by guys you really don't know.
#2. What do prisoners use to call each other? Cell phones.
#3. What does “PRISON” stand for? People Residing In Slammer Over Nothing.

6059. 刑務所ジョーク

#1.フェースブックが刑務所と似ている点は?自分の写真を掲げ、一日中うろうろして壁に落書きして、自分のよく知らない男から酷い目に遭う(get poked=肛門セックスされる)から。
#2.囚人達がお互いの独房(cell)から連絡し合う時はどうするか?携帯電話(cell phone)を使う。

 6060. Lightbulb jokes(politician)

Q: How many politicians does it take to change a light bulb?

#A1. Two: one to change it and another one to change it back again.
#A2. None: They've already screwed everything
#A3. Four, because, 1 to promise to submit a bill to raise taxes of light bulbs. 1 to call the first politician a racist. 1 to call for the legalization of burnt-out light bulb’s right. 1 to hold a press conference to announce the situation.

6060. 電球バルブジョーク(政治家)

#A3。4人。なぜならば 1人が電球の増税法案を提出すると約束し、 1人がその政治家を人種差別主義者と非難し、 1人が燃え尽きた電球の権利を合法化することを要求し、 1人が現在の状況を発表する記者会見を開くため。


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